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Infoletter 1/2016: Free sport weeks, sport courses and other burning news!

Kirjoitettu: 13.1.2016 16:41

SYKETTÄ – News in January

It’s new year and we are back! When do we have the free sport weeks and what sports courses are available in the spring? What is SYKETTÄ-forum and how can I attend it? These and all the other important news you’ll find in this infoletter. Welcome to join us with this new season!

In this infoletter

1 – Free sport weeks and the new sports calendar

2 – SYKETTÄ-forum

3 – Sport courses of the spring

4 – Get to know class in this month: Roller derby

5 – How to get or return the Opistotie electronic key

6 – Student bowling in Bowl D1ner

PS. We warmly welcome the students of HUMAK and University of the Arts, the newest addition to the SYKETTÄ-family! 

1 – Free sport weeks 11.1.-24.1. and the new sports calendar

Have you noticed that you can attend all of our group classes and try the gyms FOR FREE during the free sport weeks 11.1.-24.1.? Register in our website and enroll for the classes via the calendar on the front page of the site. Beginning of 25.1. you’ll need a valid SYKETTÄ-sticker for spring 2016.

There are two ways to get to know the calendar:

1 – See our weekly set sport calendar from our web page, in HERE.

2 – You may look for the sport calendar in PDF-file with just one sight from HERE.

If you are a staff member, I hope you have noticed that we have special classes just for you!

Open doors at the gyms 11.1. – 24.1.:

1 – The doors of the Opistotie gym are open from monday to friday at 7-17 during the free sport weecks. (Outside these hours you can access the gym with electronical key, which you will get when you buy the sticker.)

2- Studentia gym is open mon-fri at 7-19. Take your student- or staff card with you, the Studentia care taker will check it at the front doors.

SYKETTÄ-sticker Spring 2016

We have started to sell the SYKETTÄ sticker for Spring 2016 in all our selling points.
Look for the selling points and opening hours FROM HERE.

Ball Sports sticker – 15 €
Group Exercise sticker – 30 €
Stickers are valid from the day you buy it, until 31.8.2016.

2 – SYKETTÄ-forum 2.2.2016 at 16-17

In the SYKETTÄ sport services we have a principle that services must be designed to meet the users’ wishes and that’s why we will held the first ever SYKETTÄ-forum. We invite there board members of student associations, who are in charge of sports. It would be very nice also to see some of you, who are interested in the topic. In the forum you can discuss the sport services and give us feedback and new ideas!

Interested? Come to the first meeting!

SYKETTÄ-forum is held 2.2.2016 klo 16-17 in the classroom SN205 (UEF campus: Snellmania-building, 2. floor, Yliopistonranta 1).

Please let us know by the e-mail (saara.hanhela@savonia.fi) if you are coming, so we know to reserve little snacks for everyone!

3 – Sport courses – SPRING 2016

In addition to the weekly group classes, SYKETTÄ also provides you with diverse and exciting sport courses. For example, the enrollment for the ballet for the adults (beginner level) is now open! Check the info and enroll for the course HERE!

Many more sport courses are coming, for example burlesque, boffer-swordgin and canoeing! So keep your eyes open, the information is coming later. 🙂

4 – Get to know class in this month: Roller derby

Do you seek for more adventure and speed in your life? Try roller derby in Opistotie!

Roller derby is getting more space in the Finnish sport scenario. Kuopio Roller Derby is an association that is competing in this sport and they also provide courses and get to know classes for people interested in this odd sport!

You can try Roller derby at the Opistotie sport hall 27.1. at 15.00-17.00. Be quick, there is only 10 places! You can see info and enroll for the class in the sports calendar.

5 – How to get or return the Opistotie electronic key

Short guide for the Opistotie electronic key:

1 – I continue as a SYKETTÄ-mover in Spring 2016.

If you have the Autumn 2015 -sticker, your key has been activated until 24.1.2016. That is the day when the free sport weeks will end. Before 24.1.2016 you should go and buy a SYKETTÄ sports sticker for Spring 2016. Then we continue the activity of your key. If you have bought the SYKETTÄ-sticker for whole academic year 2015-2016, your key has been activated until 11.9.2016.

2 – I am not going to continue as a SYKETTÄ-mover in Spring 2016.

Your electronic key has been activated until 24.1.2016.

A – I have received the key from one of our SYKETTÄ selling points.

Return your key until 24.1.2016 to one of our SYKETTÄ selling points. According the commitment paper you have signed, we are entitled to inherit you 50 € penalty fee if you don’t return the key or you lose the key. 

B – I have received the key from Technopolis and I use it in my campus.

Your key is activated until 24.1.2016, and the activation will end if you don’t anymore continue as a SYKETTÄ-mover.

3 – I have paid for the SYKETTÄ sports fee but the key doesn’t work!

Breath in deeply and calmly out. The soul of electronic key is much more complicated than we humans think. Please contact Saara Hanhela, saara.hanhela[at]savonia.fi or 044 785 5087 and we will solve the problem together.

4 – I am new SYKETTÄ-mover

When you buy the SYKETTÄ sticker, you can get an electronic key for the Opistotie sport hall. You can get the key from ISYY campus office LUKEMA or bookshop KUTOP. If you already have an electronic key, give us your key number and we will activate it.

6 – Student bowling in Bowl D1ner 4.1.-4.3. and the final 17.3.

Student associations of Kuopio and Bowl D1ner proudly present: Student bowling league!

Enroll your team to fight for the student championship! Top eight teams will get to the final and compete for the great prizes.

Your team can bowl until you think that you have enough points to compete in the finals.

English info will be updated shortly to the event’s Facebook page.
Enroll your team at Bowl D1ner website.
