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Join us for free sport weeks 31.8.-13.9.!

Kirjoitettu: 20.8.2020 16:07

To start the autumn with the good vibes, we are giving you a chance to try all our sport services for free!

We invite all the students and staff in UEF and Savonia and students in HUMAK and Uniarts in Kuopio to exercise with us FOR FREE between 31.8. and 13.9.2020! 

During these weeks you can try our classes and visit our gyms for free. In the sports calendar there are lots of options for all kinds of people!

During the autumn 2020 the safety and hygiene is our priority, so the groups are a little bit smaller and there is desinfectant available You can bring your own mat and equipment if you wish. Here is our instructions for safe exercising. If we are forced to close down our services, we will arrange our classes online.

What, where, when?

What: Free sport weeks of SYKETTÄ sport services. You will find the weekly set sports calendar FROM HERE!

– Open doors in our own facilities: in Studentia Mon-Fri 8-19, in Snellmania Mon-Fri 7-19
– Free access to all the group classes in all facilities

When: 31.8.-13.9.

Why: Because exercising makes you happy 🙂


It’s easy to join us for the free sports weeks. All you have to do is:

1 – Register as a new user here, if you haven’t done it already. It’s free!
2 – Get familiar with SYKETTÄ sports calendar here.
3 – Sign in to the site and enroll for classes via our front pages event calendar here. During the free weeks this doesn’t cost anything!

What happens after the free sport weeks?

If you bought the sticker from the web shop, after the payment you can either use the mobile sticker with our app or go get your sticker from one of our selling points.

Beginning on Monday 14.9. every mover in SYKETTÄ sport facilities must have a valid SYKETTÄ sticker in their student or staff card or in the mobile app. But don’t worry, SYKETTÄ is inexpensive and easy to use! Here you can see our packages and prices.

You can buy the sticker from our webshop or one of our selling points. After the payment you can use the mobile sticker with our app SYKETTÄ Kuopio or get your sticker from one of the selling points.

You can buy the sticker here

Please take with you a valid student or staff card. If you haven’t got a card yet, please take you ID card with you. Remember to register through the webpage as a university sports user before you come to buy the sticker.

Experience the joy of exercising with SYKETTÄ!

You can also find us in social media:
Facebook: facebook.com/sykettakuopio
Instagram: @syketta_kpo
