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Return the electronic key of Opistotie facilities at latest 31.3.

Kirjoitettu: 11.1.2021 10:11

Please return your key at latest 31.3.2021! After that date we do not return the deposit anymore.

You are allowed to have the deposit back if you have had SYKETTÄ sticker during the academic year of 2019-2020 or spring 2020.

1 – If your key is Technopolis/Novapolis key for Microkatu campus (only activated to work in Opistotie), please return the key to the Technopolis info desk when you no longer use the key or graduate.

2 – If you have got the key from our selling point and paid the 20 € deposit, you must return the key to the same selling point!

3 – If you absolutely cannot return the key to the right selling point, for example you are leaving Kuopio, you can return the key via mail. Please contact Paula.

Thank you!
