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The sports afternoon on Wednesday 3.10.!

Kirjoitettu: 24.9.2018 15:05

What is sports afternoon?

University of Eastern Finland’s and Savonia University of Applied Sciences’ students and staff members are enjoying their sports afternoon on 3.10. at 12-16. Every event in sports afternoon is open for all students and staff members of Savonia and UEF and also students of HUMAK’s and uniarts’ Kuopio campuses. You don’t need a SYKETTÄ sticker to participate in these events! You have to register as a user if haven’t done it before. You can find the registration form here.

Welcome to join in!

You can find the program HERE

How can you join the sports afternoon?

1 – Register as a user, if ou haven’t done it before

2 – If you do not have a valid SYKETTÄ sticker at the moment, go to the webshop (HERE) and choose “ilmainen liikuntailtapäivä 3.10.” (=free sports afternoon)

3 – Now you can enroll for all the sports afternoon acitivites on 3.10. via our sports calendar

4 – Please see the program to find out abot how to enroll and how to cancel enrollment, if you can’t participate after all
