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KURSSI: Vatsatanssi - in English


Paikka Studentia (Yliopistonranta 15, 70200 Kuopio)
Ajankohta 10.3.2020 klo 16:00 - 16:55
Tyyppi Kurssi
Ohjaaja Paula Ruokonen
Osallistujia 21 / 30
Lisätietoja WHAT?
Bellydance is a beautiful and sensual dance art where the body, mind, and soul synergize. It has Arabic origins and helps us become more confident and discover our most beautiful selves. It is mesmerizing to learn, watch and dance. Isolation of the body is part of Bellydancing and helps improve posture and reduce body pains.

This course is suitable for everyone with no experience necessary; any kind of clothing is good for the class but stretchy and comfortable clothes are recommended. You can dance with or without shoes. We will become more confident, love ourselves and learn how beautiful we truly are.

This course is taught only in english. Instructor is Marcela Cruz Haces.

WHERE? Studentia sports hall
WHEN? On Tuesdays, at 16.00: the dates are 10.3., 17.3., 24,3. and 31.3
ENROLLING? Enroll via the sports calendar! If you cannot make it, please cancel your enrollment at latest four days before the course, that is Friday 6th.
FEE? The course fee is 10 euros, which you can pay using this payment information:

Recipient: Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijakunta
Bank account number: FI31 5600 0520 1033 78 (BIC code: OKOYFIHH)
Reference number: 9001
The amount: 10 euros
Due date: 10.3.2020


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