Students who are enrolled at the University of Eastern Finland (UEF) or Savonia University of Applied Sciences (Savonia AMK) and have the right to complete a degree at these institutions, and who have registered as present students for the academic semester or year, are eligible to use sports services. Additionally, students from HUMAK (all campuses), degree and exchange students from the University of the Arts Kuopio campuses, and staff members can also access sports services.
Eligible user groups include:
- Finnish and international undergraduate students
- Exchange students studying for 3 months or longer
At UEF, additionally:
- Finnish and international postgraduate research students
At Savonia, additionally:
- Employment policy training participants
- Open UAS pathway students
- Code Academy students
Instructions for Open UAS Pathway Students:
- Request a certificate of study rights from Savonia’s student office.
- Visit the sales point and present the study rights certificate and identification.
- You will receive a blank card, where your name, user type, and the date of issuance will be written. A sports sticker will be placed on this card. You can also choose to use the SYKETTÄ mobile app, in which case you do not need a physical card.
- Keep the card and identification with you in sports facilities. You will need to show these to access the services.
Services can be used until the end of the semester in which the student graduates.
The right to study and registration as a present student can be verified through the student card or the study register. If necessary, students can obtain a certificate of enrollment from the student and applicant services (UEF) or the student office (Savonia)
The right to use sports services is granted to staff members of the University of Eastern Finland (UEF), Savonia University of Applied Sciences (Savonia AMK), the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland, and the Student Union of Savonia University of Applied Sciences, provided that they have a valid employment contract at the time of purchasing the SYKETTÄ sports sticker.
For staff involved in Erasmus exchanges or visiting positions at the universities, the use of sports services is arranged on a case-by-case basis.
Additionally, staff members at the University of the Arts Kuopio campus are eligible to use the services.
At UEF, additionally:
- UEF’s grant researchers.
Special Groups Without Usage Rights
The following groups are not eligible to use sports services at the University of Eastern Finland (UEF) or Savonia University of Applied Sciences (Savonia AMK):
- Students whose studies do not lead to a degree at these institutions (except for exchange students and recent graduates who have paid their membership fee for the current academic year).
- Students who are not enrolled as present students.
These groups include:
- Students who have registered as absent
- Students enrolled to complete supplementary studies
At UEF, additionally:
- Students studying with flexible study rights (JOO studies)
- Students with separate study rights (which may include foreign students under the “visiting student” category)
Additionally, students enrolled in Open University or Open UAS programs, who do not have the right to complete a degree at UEF or Savonia, are also not eligible for sports services.