
Snellmania sports facilities are located in Savilahti, UEF campus, Snellmania-building, 2nd floor. The address is Yliopistonranta 8.

When you come in from the Snellmania main doors, take the stairs on the left to 2nd floor. Follow the corridor until you arrive to sport facilities at the end of the hallway.

Opening hours

Autumn 2024 (starting from 2nd of September)

Mon – Fri 7am to 6pm
Sat 10am to 2pm

Snellmania main door and the door to the locker rooms are locked at 6 pm

Where can I find the locker room and showers?

Pass by the glass doors of the mirror lobby (next to the coat rack) and immediately turn right. Go through the glass doors and you will reach the corridor, on the right wall of which you will find the changing rooms. Please note that the hallway door will be locked as early as 6 p.m.

Snellmannia Gym

To reach the gym, walk past the coat rack, through the glass doors of the mirror lobby, and turn immediately to your right. Enter through the glass doors and walk down the corridor, where you’ll find the changing rooms on the right side. The changing rooms have showers. Please note that the corridor door will be locked at 6:00 PM.

The Snellmanian gym is not available when there are group exercises or scheduled sessions in the gym or tatami area. You can check the schedule for group activities in the block layout of this page, on the gym’s notice board next to the door, or in the activity calendar.

The Snellmania gym is equipped with the following equipment:

  • A fairly comprehensive selection of dumbbells + kettlebells
  • Lat pulldown machine and cable machine
  • Leg press machine
  • Two barbells and free weight plates
  • Rack with a TRX training device
  • Dip station
  • Bench press station
  • Adjustable incline bench
  • Front and back leg machines
  • Abdominal and back machines
  • Exercise balls
  • Yoga mats


At the back of the gym there is tatami room. When the tatami is not reserved for classes or groups, it is in free use for SYKETTÄ-users. 

Mirror hall

The hall before the gym and tatami is called Snellmania mirror hall. The hall can’t be used for sports on weekdays between 8.00 and 16.00, because there are university’s lectures held nearby.

In the mirror hall there is also multipurpose equipment and a treadmill that can be used with the SYKETTÄ sticker. These can be used also during the day 8-16 o’clock.

Division of fields, Autumn 2024 2.9. >

The facility calendar was updated on 5th September 2024, and changes are possible.





4 pm to 6 pm KuoLo Speksi 6.1. -17.3.2025

Free from 7 am to 5.30 pm

5.35 pm to 6.30 pm Gym circuit



Free from 7 am to 6 pm

4 pm-4.55 pm Famourettes, regular shift

6 pm-6.55 pm Fitness boxing class

7 pm-7.55 pm Escrima Concepts class

8 pm-8.55 pm Wing Tsung Kung Fu class



4 pm-5.55 pm Famourettes, regular shift

Free from 7am to 6pm

6 pm to 8 pm KuoLo Speksi 6.1. -17.3.2025



Free from 7 am to 4.10 pm

4 pm to 6 pm KuoLo Speksi 6.1. -17.3.2025

4.15 pm-5.10 pm Gym circuit for staff members 

5.20 pm – 6.15 pm Funtional training -class



Free from 4 pm to 6 pm

Free from 7 am to 6 pm



Free from 10 am to 2 pm

Free from 10 am to 11.25 am and 12.20 pm to 2 pm

11.30 pm – 12.25 pm Functional training class