Reservation calendar

Start moving!

SYKETTÄ is a sports service for the higher education community in Kuopio. All students and staff members of the University of Eastern Finland and Savonia University of Applied Sciences, as well as students from the Kuopio campuses of the University of the Arts and the Humak University of Applied Sciences, are eligible to use the service.

Sykettä mascots ask What SYKETTÄ?
What is SYKETTÄ? Click our mascots and find out!


New SYKETTÄ website and mobile app

SYKETTÄ Kuopio has a new look, the website has been renewed, and the new apps are now available for download! You can download the new...

SYKETTÄ Appro and Free sports week on 10.–16.3.

SYKETTA-APPROT+kokeilu Kuopio@0.5x-100

You are welcome to join us for free sport week during 10.3. -16.3.We invite all the students and staff in UEF, Savonia and Uniarts to...

SYKETTÄ for your autumn – for free


You are welcome to join us for free sport week during 2.–8.9.! We celebrate the new season by inviting all the students and staff in...

Opening hours during the holiday season


SYKETTÄ group exercise classes will take a Christmas break starting December 7th. Ball sport shifts at Luola sports hall will wrap up on December 13th,...