
SYKETTÄ Appro and Free sports week on 10.–16.3.

You are welcome to join us for free sport week during 10.3. -16.3.
We invite all the students and staff in UEF, Savonia and Uniarts to exercise with us FOR FREE! Our goal is an active, well-being and social university community in Kuopio.

During that week you can try our classes for free (excluding Luola gym and trainer service). How about BodyCombat, trampoline workout or the fan favourite indoor cycling? Or maybe try everything!
It’s easy to join us for the free sport week. All you have to do is:

1 – Register as a new user here, if you haven’t done it already. It’s free!
2 – Get familiar with SYKETTÄ group exercise and ball sport offerings here.
3 – Sign in to the site and enroll for classes via our front pages sports calendar here. During the free weeks this doesn’t cost anything!

What is SYKETTÄ Appro?

SYKETTÄ Appro is a sports appro organized by the Student Union of University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) and Student union of Savonia University of Applied Sciences (SAVOTTA) for students in eastern Finland. SYKETTÄ Appro will be held between 10th of February and 16th of February.

The basic idea of SYKETTÄ Appro is that the participants pick up the appro passport and collect markings from the SYKETTÄ sport events they take part in. Each sport performance is worth of one marking. The participants who return their passport can take part in a lottery to win prizes and get an overall badge equivalent to their performance: for bronze 1–2 markings, for silver 3–4 markings, for gold 5–6 markings and for diamond +7 markings.

The SYKETTÄ Appro participants have all instructed SYKETTÄ sport events available for them, unless otherwise specified. Also ball sports shifts and regular turns are included in SYKETTÄ Appro if there’s an instructor or responsible person. If you use gym you can mark it yourself.

There are also some extra classes included at SYKETTÄ Appro. Enroll for classes via SYKETTÄ sports calendar! Extra classes will be updated on this page before the appro starts.

There is a limited number of appro passports and overall badges in every campus so be quick!

Extra classes in Kuopio

Please read the class descriptions carefully, because the instructions for enrolling and cancelling participation may vary!

Studio Tempo, Puijonkatu 27

Studio Tempo, Puijonkatu 27

Monday 10.3.2025

  • 15.45 Les Mills DANCE 30 min, 14 participants
  • 16.25 Les Mills TONE 45 min, 14 participants
  • 18.05 Les Mills BODYBALANCE Flex 45 min, 14 participants

Tuesday 11.3.2025

  • 17.30 Les Mills BODYSTEP 45 min, 14 participants

Thursday 13.3.2025

  • 17.50 Les Mills DANCE 45 min, 14 participants

Soul & Sweat Dancestudio

Friday 14.3.

  • 17-18 Retro 80´dance party, 30 participants

Kuntolaakso swimming pool

Friday 14.3.

Participation rules

1. Each participant must pick up the free appro passport at ISYY campus office, Yliopistonranta 3, Studentia building or in Savonia’s Café SAVOTTA or Bar&Cafe SAVOTTA at Microkatu and register as a user on SYKETTÄ webpage. Appro passports are given at the campus offices between 10th and 14th of February within the limits of office hours.

2. You must register to the sport event you wish to take part in beforehand on the webpage.

3. Be on time at the sport events and get the sports equipment that are needed for the class. You can check out the sports equipment needed in each event from the event information on SYKETTÄ calendar.

4. Remember to take the appro passport with you and show it to the instructor after the event. The instructor will give you the marking in your passport.

5. Each sport performance is worth of one mark. You can collect maximum of two marks from the same sport/class.

6. You can take part in as many sport events as you wish during the day. You can collect markings between 10th of February and 16th of February.

7. Return your appro passport to the ISYY office, to Cafe SAVOTTA or Bar&Cafe SAVOTTA at latest 20th of February. Please check the opening hours of the office you want to return the passport to!


8. The participants who return their passport take part in lottery and get an overall badge equivalent to their performance:

1–2 marks = Bronze    
3–4 marks = Silver
5–6 marks = Gold
7+ marks = Diamond

9. The raffle will be held at 21st of February.

Prize list at Kuopio Campus

The prizes are raffled in the 21st of February. We will contact the winners. Please fill in the contact information in the passport, if you want to take part in the raffle!

1 – Finnkino movie tickets for 2 student
2 – Finnkino movie tickets for 2 student
3 – Finnkino movie tickets for 2 student
4 – Finnkino movie tickets for 2 student
5 – Finnkino movie tickets for 2 student