Bottoms Up – active breaks

What is Bottoms Up?

The idea of Bottoms Up is to decrease sitting time and increase physical activity among the students and staff members on Kuopio campuses. We strive to improve study and work capabilities and improve on-campus culture, attitude and activity.

How to become a Bottoms Up Ambassadors?

Bottoms Up ambassadors spread the message of exercise and well-being to fellow University students in Kuopio.

Bottoms Up Ambassadors have the following tasks:

  • Instructing active breaks at lectures and staff meetings
  • Influencing in decreasing the sitting time in university community by showing example
  • Participating in events related to decreasing excessive sitting

At the start of each academic year, SYKETTÄ seeks new Bottoms Up ambassadors. If you want to change university lectures to be more physically active as a Bottoms Up ambassador, send an email to

How Can I Order a Bottoms Up Ambassador to a Lecture or Meeting?

If you wish to order a Bottoms Up instructed active break to your lecture or staff meeting, contact SYKETTÄ sports services by email. SYKETTÄ will arrange for a Bottoms Up ambassador to instruct the active break. Bottoms Up ambassadors may also contact lecturers themselves and offer instructed active breaks. Active breaks instructed by Bottoms Up ambassadors are free. If you wish to order an active break instructed by a Bottoms Up ambassador, send an email to

Exercise Corners at Campuses

SYKETTÄ sports services encourages University students and staff members to have a little break every now and then and to do independent break exercises at the specifically assembled exercise corners. Exercise sticks and rubber bands are available at the exercise corners for flexing and muscle conditioning. Visual and written instructions for break exercise can be found on the exercise corner. SYKETTÄ is in charge of the exercise corner equipment, please contact us if you find any shortcomings.

Exercise corners are located in:

University of Eastern Finland:

Savonia University of Applied Sciences:

Conference room B5014

Bottoms Up Material Bank

Exercise corners’ visual and written instructions for break exercise can be found also under. Break exercise videos are available at the SYKETTÄ Youtube channel for all students and staff members. The videos present several break exercise moves (both with and without equipment). Bottoms Up ambassadors also utilise the videos for instructed break exercise

Instructions for break exercise

Käsien pyörittely kepin kanssa. esimerkissä ohjaajalla on kädet leveällä otteella ja keppiä pyöritetään vuorotellen vartalon etu ja takapuolelle

Rolling arms

Take a wide grab of the stick and roll it back and forward. Keep your shoulders down away from the ears. Do 10 reps.

Laske keppi niskan taakse leveällä otteella ja kierrä selkää puolelta toiselle.

Spinal twist

Stand hip-width apart. Twist your upper body from side to side keeping your hips facing forward during the whole movement. Do 20 reps

Ota leveä ote kepista ja lähde melomaan ilmaa puolelta toiselle.

Side to side row

Keep your shoulders down and away from your ears and do as big rowing movement from side to side as it feels good. Do 20 reps.

Laske keppi niskan taakse leveällä otteella ja tee vuorojaloin askelkyykkyjä eteenpäin.


Take a big step forward and squat down with one leg. Keep your back straight and gaze forward. Make sure that your toes and feet goes to the same direction. Do 10 reps on each side.

Vaaka-asento jossa keppi on selän takana varmistamassa että selkä on suora.

Balancing stick

Doing balancing stick is a great way to improve your balance. Lift one leg off the floor and lean forward. Try to get your body parallel with the floor. Try to get the stick to touch your tailbone, the space between your shoulder place and the back of your head to helping to keep your back straight.

Pidä nauhan päistä kiinni ja nauha selän takana ala työntää käsiä suoraksi.

Upper back + chest

First keep your elbows back and shoulder blades together. Put the resistance band on your upper back and hold on to the heads of the band. Then straighten your hands forward and keep your shoulders down. Do 10 reps.

Nauha selän takana ja lähde työtämään käsiä suoraan sivuille suoraksia

Opening your arms

First keep your hands and arms pointing up towards the ceiling. Then bring your hands parallel with the floor to the shoulder height. Do 10 reps.

Astu nauhan päälle ja nauhan päistä pitäen lähde nousemaan kyykystä.


Stand hip width apart. Imagine that you are sitting on a bench far behind you. Make sure that your toes and knees goes to the same direction. Push yourself up with squeezing your glutes and thighs. Do 10 reps.

Nauha jalkojen alla, taivuta keksivartaloa sivulle nauhan päistä kiinni pitäen.

Side bend

Bend to the side from your core in a straight line. Imagine that you are between two walls. Keep your both heels on the ground. Do 10 reps on each side.

Laita nauha yhden jalan alle ja hieman etukumarassa asennossa vedä kuminauhaa yhdellä kädellä vartalon ohi ylöspäin.

Single arm bent over row

Take a step forward with one leg and lean forward with your upper body. You can lean on to your front leg. Pull your elbow close to your rib and far behind. Do 10 reps on each side.

Vie kädet vartalon eteen ja pyöristä selkä.

Upper back + chest

Pull your arms forward and round your back as much as it feels good. Bring your hands far behind and open your chest.

Kumarru eteenpäin ja tavoittele käsiä jalkateriä kohti.

Rolling down and up

Bring your chin to your chest and roll down vertebra by vertebra. Roll down as much as it feels good. Slowly roll back up. Do 10 reps.

Tuo yksi käsi kerrallaan edestä takaviistoon.

Spinal twist and chest opening

First keep your hands, hips and feet facing forward. Open one arm back and open the chest still keeping your hips and feet still facing forward. Do 10 reps on each side.

Kumarru kohti edessä olevaa jalkaa ja tee pientä pumppausta ylävartalolla. Muista vaihtaa jalkaa välillä.

Stretching the back side of your leg

Take a step forward and lean forward with your upper body. Keep your back and front leg straight. Feel the stretch on the back side of your front leg. Do 10 reps on each side.


Open your arms up. Bend your upper body to the side from your core and lift one leg up. Keep your core tight and stay here for few breaths. Do 5 reps on each side.

Balancing board

Step on to the board and try to maintain your balance. Keeping your core tight and gazing on one point helps to keep the balance.

Balancing on one leg

Lift one leg up and try to keep your balance on a board. Keeping your core tight and gazing on one point helps to keep the balance.

Painele niskahartiaseutua hierontakoukun päällä olkapään yli.

Massage stick

Massage stick is a helpful tool to for relieving stress and sore muscles.

Voit painella myös muita kehon osia, kuten reisiäsi.

Massage stick

You can use massage sticks on many ways. It is also a great for using after workout to release muscle tension.

Hand grips

Improve your hand strenght with hand grips. Do 10 reps on each side.