Ball sports

Sport and Regular Sessions

Open Sport Sessions

Open sport sessions include, for example, ball games or martial arts. On weekdays, open ball game sessions are available for SYKETTÄ sticker holders at the Studentia gym and the Kuopio City sports and event center Luola. All participants must have a valid SYKETTÄ sports sticker.

Open sport sessions at the Studentia gym start on August 1, 2024, and in Luola on August 19, 2024.

These open sport sessions are for all skill levels (unless otherwise stated in the session description). Interest in the sport and enthusiasm to play are the most important things!

Studentia has equipment available for floorball sticks and balls, volleyballs, futsal balls, basketballs, and jerseys for games. Badminton rackets can be borrowed from the custodians or the ISYY office.
In Luola, participants need to bring their own rackets and balls.

IMPORTANT! Remember to register for each open sport session through the sports calendar on the website’s homepage. Session usage is tracked based on the number of registrants.

Session Coordinators

Some sport sessions have a coordinator responsible for:

  • Tracking attendance numbers
  • Coordinating the session flow and content
  • Serving as the contact person for the session
  • Ensuring all participants have a valid SYKETTÄ sticker
  • Returning all used equipment to its proper place

You can recognize the session coordinator by their purple SYKETTÄ shirt.

Weekly regular shifts

Regular shifts are weekly set turns for student and/or staff groups, who want to do sports together. Regular shifts are closed groups, and you cannot join them if you do not belong to the group.

You can view all regular bookings for fall 2024 in the room-specific calendars starting from August 1, 2024.

Regular bookings are applied for the academic year during the regular booking application period in May.


  1. We monitor the attendance of regular bookings. Remember to register for each regular booking via the sports calendar on the homepage!

  2. If you know that no players will be attending a regular booking, please cancel the booking by email ( as soon as possible so that the time slot can be made available to others.

  3. If you no longer need a regular booking, inform the sports coordinator as soon as possible.

  4. The usage of regular bookings is monitored by checking the number of registered participants and through random checks during bookings. Unused regular bookings will be canceled and offered to the next group in line.

  5. If the school facilities in Kuopio or the University of Eastern Finland implement closures of sports facilities, notifications will be provided separately regarding the reopening of facilities and the resumption of bookings.

Free turns

During the day, there are available time slots in the Studentia gym where you can engage in any type of physical activity. When you make a reservation, you can use the section alone or with friends. All Studentia gym equipment is available for your use. Everyone participating in the session must have a valid SYKETTÄ sticker.