The autumn sports afternoon is held on Wednesday 2nd of October

Wednesday 2nd of October at 12–16 o`clock

University of Eastern Finland’s and Savonia University of Applied Sciences’ students and staff members are enjoying their sports afternoon on Wednesday 2nd of October at 12–16 o`clock. Every event in sports afternoon is open for all students and staff members of Savonia and UEF and Uniarts Kuopio campuses. You don’t need a SYKETTÄ sticker to participate in these events but you have to register as a SYKETTÄ user if you haven’t done it before. You can find the registration form here. More information in the section “enrolling”.

Welcome to join in and feel good! 

The spring season Sports Afternoon is perfect time for your work or study group to enjoy sports together! In the program there are tips for great group activities, some of which require enrolling beforehand and some of which don’t. Please read the instructions carefully.

The enrolling opens on Wednesday 18th of September, exactly 14 days before the events begins.


Autumn 2024

Enroll information:

Enrolling must be done via SYKETTÄ sports calendar or in following events the enrolling is made to the event organizer: Bowling, Lazer games at Megazone, Escape Room Mystery. And no enrolling in climbing at Voema, and Energy, Kunnonsali, Luola, Snellmania, Studentia and Voimakellari Novapolis gyms.

  • The sport events are updated to our sports calendar at latest 18th of September at 12am and then you can begin enrolling
  • You have to enroll for Sports Afternoon events via SYKETTÄ web page’s Sports calendar (choose events that are held on 2.10.).
  • You need to register as a user on SYKETTÄ webpage if you haven’t done it before.
  • If you have already registered, then you can just sign in with using your e-mail and password and enroll for classes.
  • You don’t have to pay the SYKETTÄ sports fee.
  • The sports afternoon program also includes all the classes on the SYKETTÄ sports calendar on that day!


If you forget to cancel the event or you do it too late it costs you 10 €. 

  • Remember to cancel the class on time if you can’t participate!
  • Most of the events you can cancel the class at the latest on Tuesday 1.10., exactly 24 hours before the event begins.
  • Note that the cancellation period varies from event to event. There are some classes (arranged by external partners) that requires you to enroll before certain date. This is told in the description of the class, so read the information carefully!
  • You can cancel the class via SYKETTÄ Sports calendar the same way you have enrolled for the event, or from the “own enrollments” link in top of the web page.
  • When you enroll, you agree to our practice with the cancellation.
  • What if I get sick?
  • If you let us know before the event starts, it’s okay!
  • If you let us know only afterwards or when the event has already started, please deliver us a sick leave certificate or pay the cancellation fine 10 €.

Here’s SYKETTÄ contact information

The insurance from the OLL

The insurance of The Finnish Student Sports Federation OLL is valid during the sports afternoon activities, but it covers only the members of Student union SAVOTTA. The Student union of the University of Eastern Finland ISYY, the students of TaiYo and staff members are not covered in OLL insurance or by the organizer.

Autumn 2024 program

Citygolf at Bellanpuisto

  • Price 8 €/person
  • 12-14, 70 participants
  • 14-16 , 70 participants/cancelled
  • If the weather is bad this event will be candelled and we inform you at the 1st of October.
  • Make a reservation (max 70 person) to play Citygolf once between (14-16 o’clock) at Bellanpuisto Citygolf.
  • Reservation has to be done at latest 30.9.
  • Payment: 8€ to the Bellanpuisto Citygolf info when you arrive to the area
  • Citygolf is a modern way to play minigolf. Surface is made of artificial grass and the golf area is decorated with small rocks, flowers and plants.
  • Now you have opportunity to try Citygolf at Bellanpuisto.
  • Citygolf suits everyone. You don’t need a green card to play in our course and rules are very simple. It takes about 1h to finish 18 holes.
  • Address: Siikaranta 8, 70260 Kuopio (The Vilkku City Bike station is next to Citygolf at Saana).

Archery at Puijo

  • Two groups:
  • at 12.00–13.30
  • at 13.45–15.15
  • Place: Puijo
  • max 12 participants/group
  • Price: 10€/person
  • Instructions for payment: Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijakunta
  • Account number: FI31 5600 0520 1033 78
  • Reference: 9014
  • Due date: 30.9.2024
  • Amount: 10€
  • Place: The Puijon Jousi outfield which is by the side of the Suurmäentie road. The field is between the Pesäpallo stadium and the football fields.
  • Meeting point: The red stoorage booth. It is by the side of the Suurmäentie parking area.The instructor will meet you there.
  • Clothing: Comfortable outdoor clothing. T-shirt or long-sleeved shirt with not too loose sleeves (to prevent anything getting stuck to parts of the bow when shooting. For shoes, flat-bottomed outdoor shoes. Wrist jewelry and watches are recommended to be taken off while shooting.
  • Take your own water bottle with you and there is no toilets at Puijo. The closest toilet’s are at Puijonlaakso shopping center.

Self-guided Nature Trails at Kuopio

This sports afternoon, there is no guided nature trail. SYKETTÄ Kuopion organizes a nature trip to Tiilikkajärvi together with Student Union of Eastern Finland on Friday 5 October.

There are many nature trails in Kuopio that can be visited by work group or student group.

See here Kuopio Sights

One great destination is the Vanuvuori nature trail and observation tower.

Cancelled/Padel outdoor fields at Bellanpuisto

Outdoor Padel fields at Bellanpuisto. If the weather is so good that you can play outside you can book these fields. Reservation and cancellation can be done at the latest 30th of September.

Rackets and ball includes the price. Max 4 person /field

  • 12.00 -13.00, 4 courts and fee is 20€/court
  • 13.00 -14.00, 4 courts and fee is 20€/court
  • 14.00 -15.00, 4 courts and fee is 20€/court
  • 15.00 -16.00, 4 courts and fee is 20€/court
  • Max 4 participants/court.
  • Rackets and ball includes the price. Max 4 person/court
  • One person makes the reservation and with this reservation you can use one court.
  • Pay the fee to the Bellanpuisto info.
  • Outdoor Padel fields at Bellanpuisto. If the weather is so good that you can play outside you can book these fields. Reservation and cancellation can be done at the latest 30th of September.

Cancelled/Petangue at Bellanpuisto

Come and try instructed Petanque.
There is 8 outdoor Petanque fields at Bellanpuisto.

  • The price is 8 €/hour and it includes instruction and the game equipments
  • 12.00 -13.00
  • 13.00 -14.00
  • 14.00-15.00
  • 15.00-16.00
  • Time to play is on hour. With this reservation you can use on field to play petangue.
  • There is 8 fields at use every hour
  • Pay the fee to the Bellanpuisto info when you arrive to the area.
  • If the weather is bad this event will be cancelled on the 1st of October.
  • Pétanque is played with two teams. There are three ways you can play:
  • Singles (one against one). Each player gets three boules.
  • Doubles (2 players per team). Each player gets three boules.
  • Triples (3 players per team). Each player gets two boules.

Horse riding – Savisaari Riding Center

  • 13.00-14.00 Riding for those who have previous experience (7 persons). You have to know how to saddle a horse. Saddling 15 min + 45 min riding.
  • 14.00-15.00 Riding for those who have earlier experience (7 persons) 45 min riding + taking off the saddle 15 min.
  • Price 22€/participant, max 7 participants/group

If you have done riding before and know how to saddle a horse, this one is for you! Enroll via the sports calendar. Payment must be done at latest on Monday 30.9. to the following bank account number:

FI55 1078 3000 220219. (Savisaaren ratsastuskoulu).

Please note that the 27.9. is the last day to cancel your participation.

Come and try orienteering at Savilahti

Do you sometimes feel lost in the campus area? Ever wondered if there is a shortcut from Studentia to Tietoteknia? University’s Orienteering club Puijon Suunta (PuSu) organizes a tryout in orienteering during Sports afternoon on 2nd Oct 2024. Now it’s your chance to find the best ways through the Savilahti area.

  • Orienteering starts from Snellmania between 2-3 pm, and you have time to find the goal until half past 4 pm.
  • Track length is about 2,2 kilometers.
  • There are 17 maps, if you are going to participate with a friend then only one of you needs to be assigned through the Sykettä application.
  • Enroll via this link
  • For the orienteering you need a suitable outfit for outdoor activities and running shoes.
  • There’s going to be guidance for the basic orienteering skills at the starting point if you need.

Welcome to all of you who are interested in orienteering!

YhdistysAppro – Association Appro

In Association Appro you’ll have the chance to explore local wellness associations. There will be 20 different association checkpoints! Activities at the checkpoints include blind ping pong, petting therapy dogs, designing your own badge, and Mental Pong. Once you’ve collected the required number of participation stamps, you’ll receive the event’s own overall patch and be entered into a raffle!The event is open to 200 students! Secure your spot quickly—last year, the spots filled up fast.

Enroll for the event here.

You can enroll to the classes by clicking the name of the activity. Enrolling begins 14 days before the event.

InBody measurements – Savonia Wellness Center, Microkatu campus, 4th floor, C wing

Now you have a chance to get inBody body composition analysis. Wellness Center has a brand new InBody – 770 device in its use that gives exact and reliable result every time! On Sports Afternoon you get extra discount for inBody analysis!

  • Enrolling takes place in groups of five to avoid standing in a queue
  • Choose a time and enroll:
    12.0012.30, 13.0013.3014.00, 14.3015.0015.30
  • Place: Testilaboratorio C4003, Savonia-amk/Microkatu C wing, 4th floor
  • Price 5€, only card payment
  • Open doors to the gym 12.00–16.00
  • 12.00–16.00 Open doors to the Snellmania gym and tatami

Voimakellari Novapolis, Microkatu

  • 12.00-16.00 open doors at Voimakellari Novapolis gym

Zumba class and gym, Sports and Event Center Luola

  • 15.00 – 15.55 Zumba, max 45 person
  • 12.00-16.00 free enter to gym: to access to the gym, you need a wristband from Luola´s reception. You can have it by saying “SYKETTÄ liikuntailtapäivä” to the receptionist.

Aikido drop-in exercise

Would you like to try out Aikido? Aikido (the way of the harmonic force) is a traditional Japanese martial art which includes both hand-to-hand and weapons combat strategies. In Aikido, one aims to neutralize the aggressor using only the attackers own force against themself. This is accomplished by conducting round and flowing body techniques. In addition to exercising the use of joint locks, throws and pinning techniques, we learn to use wooden swords, staff and knives.

During the drop-in exercise, we familiarize ourselves with basic falls (ukemi), pinning and throwing techniques and weapons. The only necessary equipment is softer pants and a shirt suitable for exercise.

Note also the student offers!
To all SYKETTÄ-members, free classes for entry-level members to the end of 2024
25% discount on membership fees in 2025

Ask us for more info by e-mail (we’ll answer in English):
More information about us (in finnish only):

Bowling, Keilakukko

  • 12.00–16.00
  • The cost of one track is 14 € / hour and the price includes shoes
  • Booking: One of your group will do the booking for the whole group. When booking, make sure to mention “liikuntailtapäivä”. The booking is binding.
  • Pay the fee on the spot
  • Address: Keilakukko Oy, Puijonkatu 19, 70100 Kuopio
  • Bookings: Tel. (017) 282 4003 or

On sports afternoon you have an extra low-priced possibility to try bouldering (climbing without ropes) or climbing with automatic belay (rope system which makes sure you cannot fall) in Kuopio climbing center VOEMA! In VOEMA you get to climb really easily and safely.

You don’t need to book a time in advance. You can just arrive and if you are new with bouldering or climbing, you’ll get a starting info, which is focused on the safety and technique.

  • Bouldering 7 € /person (incl. climbing shoes)
  • Bouldering and Climbing with automatic belay 10 € /person (incl. all the equipment)
  • 12.00–21.00

Pay for the entrance fee straight at the VOEMA Climbing center. There is no time-limit. This extra low-priced possibility is available between 12.00–21.00 o’clock.

Escape Room Games, Mysteeri Kuopio
-15% discount on Physical Activity Afternoon, 12:00-16:00

In the escape room game, your team of 2-5 players has one hour to solve all the mysteries and puzzles in the locked room. Each solved task rewards you with a key that leads to the next clues, tasks, keys, and locks. Once you have completed the entire sequence and solved the mystery, you will find the way out of the room.

Game times are at 11:50, 13:30, and 15:10.
You can book games on Mysteeri Kuopio’s website until October 1st at 19:00.
Use the promo code “Liikuntailtapäivä” to get a 15% discount for the whole group.

Players should arrive at the location 15 minutes before the game starts to allow enough time for instructions.
You will have 60 minutes to solve the mystery in the room, but we recommend allowing 1.5 hours for the entire visit.
After the game, it’s a good idea to set aside 5-10 minutes for group photos, feedback, and to discuss any questions or excitement that arose during the game.

Payment is made on-site after the game using a debit or credit card. Please note that cash payments are not accepted.
Businesses can pay by invoice with a €6 processing fee.
Mysteeri Kuopio also accepts Mysteeri gift cards, Elämyslahjat and Gift4you gift cards, Smartum culture vouchers, Edenred leisure and Tyky+ vouchers, ePassi’s Culture Pass, and Eazybreak’s mobile service.


Get-to-know fencing:

  • Short introduction about fencing as a martial art and the sport gear needed for it
  • Warm up
  • Fencing stance and moving
  • Simple attacks and defences
  • Playful trial matches
    More information: via e-mail kurssit(at) or tel. 045 678 1737 /Panu
  • 13.00–15.00, max. 20 persons
  • The price is 5 €/person, cash payment only exact 5€ or with credit card or online card
  • Place: Kemilänrinne 1, Kuopio

Fitness wrestling

  • In this get to  know class you practice muscle fitness and mobility as well as muscle maintenance with your own body weight. Previous wrestling experience is not necessary. The class  is suitable for both women and men. Equipment for indoor sports and shoes. Take a water bottle with you.
  • Organized by Kuopio Kisaveikot.
  • Two groups
  • 12:30-14:00, max 20 participants/Cancelled
  • 14:30-16:00, max 20 participants/Cancelled

Minimum number of participants is 6. Enroll before 25th of September.
Instructor is the wrestling coach Timo Pirskanen.
Place: Luola, Sports and Events Center Savilahti, Loistekatu 12

  • 12.00–16.00 with the price of 15€/hour
  • There are three TrackMan simulators that you can choose which one to book: Tarina, Olvi and Lähitapiola
  • Simulators must be booked by Friday 27th of September
  • There are few rackets available but own rackets are recommended
  • Bookings must be done only via email janneeskola(at)
  • Instructions for payment are sent to you via email

Gym, Kunnonsali

  • 12.00-16.00 Open doors to the Gym
  • Viihdekeskus Minna, Ajurinkatu 16

Gym and Spinning class, Kuntokeskus Energy

When you arrive to the gym please tell if you come from UEF, Savonia or Uniarts

  • Pelin varaaja maksaa oman ryhmän pelin paikan päällä, joten maksut tulee olla kerättynä etukäteen.
  • Maksuvälineenä käy käteinen ja kortit sekä myös smartum, epassi ja edenred.

Varaa itse peliaika

  • Varaa sinulle ja ryhmällesi sopiva aika sähköpostitse tai
    puhelimitse 050 318 9995
  • 12.00–13.00, 60 min laserpeli, 10€/henkilö (vähintään 6 pelaajan porukka)
  • 13.00–14.00, 60 min laserpeli, 10€/henkilö (vähintään 6 pelaajan porukka)
  • 14.00–15.00, 60 min laserpeli, 10€/henkilö (vähintään 6 pelaajan porukka)
  • 15.00–16.00, 60 min laserpeli, 10€/henkilö (vähintään 6 pelaajan porukka)
  • paikalla tulee olla 15 min ennen oman vuoron alkua
  • Varaukset ja maksuton peruutus 30.9. mennessä

Come and try Hokutoryu Ju-Jutsu

Hokutoryu Ju-Jutsu is a martial art that is very diverse. Hokutoryu Ju-Jutsu combines correct timing of defence and offence including escapes from different types of grabs, blocks, punches, kicks, throws, take-downs, joint locks, chokes and holds to subdue or disable one or more unarmed or armed opponents. Training includes effective martial arts combat techniques, break falls, sparring as well as different levels of fitness and stretching exercises.

Adults’ beginner course starts on Mon 23.9.2024 at 20:00 and the training is at Kuopion Liikunta- ja Kamppailukeskus LIIKE (Väliköntie 4, downstairs). You can wear a t-shirt and sweatpants during the training. Please take a water bottle and a small towel for washing your feet with you to training. (We train with bare feet on the tatami.)

You can try the martial art for free on Wed 2.10.2024 at 19-20.30.
Enroll via this link.

With a SYKETTÄ sticker you get a 10€ discount for the beginner course (price 120€)! 

Read more and sign up to the beginner course (in Finnish):

  • Minimum group size is 6 persons and max 24 persons
  • Notice! One of the group members will pay the fee on spot
  • You can pay by cash, card, Smartum, epassi or Edenred
  • Book for your group the time. Booking times are:
  • 12.00–13.00, 60 min, laser game 10€/person (a group of at least 6 players)
  • 13.00–14.00, 60 min, laser game 10€/person (a group of at least 6 players)
  • 14.00–15.00, 60 min, laser game 10€/person (a group of at least 6 players)
  • 15.00–16.00, 60 min, laser game 10€/person (a group of at least 6 players)
  • Be at Megazone 15 min before your game time is
  • Free cancellation before 30.9.2024
  • Bookings via email or tel 050 318 9995

Les Mills BodyBalance45′ ja Les Mills Dance45′ – Liikunta- ja fysiostudio Tempo

klo 14.00 -14.45 Les Mills BodyBalance 45min (28 places)
LesMills BodyBalance flex is the yoga-based class that will improve your mind, your body and your life. During BODYBALANCE an inspired soundtrack plays as you bend and stretch through a series of simple yoga moves and embrace elements of Tai Chi. Breathing control is a part of all the exercises, and instructors will always provide options for those just getting started. You’ll strengthen your entire body and leave the class feeling calm and centered. Happy.

klo 15.00 -15.45 Les Mills Dance 45 min (28 places)
Les Mills DANCE® is an energetic heart rate workout inspired by global dance genres and music. The classes are based on ten songs, each with its own choreography. Dance moves are innovative, fit perfectly with music and are easy to learn. When learning choreography, sweat flows and calories burn.

Aerial Yin, Pole Center

14.00 -14.55, max 15 participants
15.05 -16.00, max 15 participants

Aerial yin yoga is done with aerial sling. Sling-Yin consists of peaceful Yin Yoga asanas inside the sling and on the floor with the sling. We held each asana (posture) for a couple of minutes and we will move slowly from posture to posture. The sling supports the body and the postures different way than the floor so you get a new kind of experience compared to traditional Yin Yoga. No experience from aerial yoga or yin yoga is needed. Comfortable and warm clothing is recommended.

Padel tournament, Mexicano and Padel fields – Billebeino Padel Kuopio Oy

This is a Mexicano tournament.

Mexicano is played with the same point structure as a regular Americano, but the game order is not predetermined. The system will generate the next round based on the current top list, which will result in more even matches. In a Mexicano, you can play both with and against the same player several times, who you meet is based entirely on the current top list for the next round. The 1st in the top list will play together with the 3rd against the 2nd and the 4th, etc., down in the top list. May the best person win!

  • 12.00–13.00, 6 courts, 15€/court
  • 12.45–15.00 Mexicano tournament (5€/person)
  • 15.00–16.00, 6 courts, 15€/court
  • Bookings must be done by 30.9. and booking is binding.
  • The price is 20 €/court (for example if there are 4 players the price for one person is 5 €)
  • Payment instructions: First book the whole track.
    • Benefitor: Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijakunta
    • Account number: FI31 5600 0520 1033 78
    • Reference: 9014
    • Due date: 30.9.2024
    • Amount: 15 euros
  • There are some bats and balls to use at the Padel hall but it is recommended to use your own bats and balls if you have ones. You can also rent bats for Student Union office.



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SYKETTA-APPROT+kokeilu Kuopio@0.5x-100

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