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SYKETTÄ in summer 2024!

Kirjoitettu: 8.5.2024 12:14

The page will be updated as summer services are confirmed. All summer classes and turns can be found in the sports calendar. You can participate in summer classes and turns with both a group exercise and ball sports sticker.

NB! Enrollment on all summer classes and turns must be cancelled no later than four (4) hours before the class starts. Stairs workouts are not held if weather gets too bad. Instructor of the class inform by email two (2) hours before the class starts at the latest in the case of cancellation.

Stairs workout instructed by physical activity counsellor Tommi

Stairs workout on Wednesdays on June and August at 2pm-3pm at Laululava. Stairs workout develops running condition, oxygen uptake and perseverance. We are exercising efficiently and variously in this class, at your own level and with your own style. The class includes a warm-up, a workout part and restorative cool down. Please bring a water bottle. Enrollments via sports calendar. You can participate in stairs workout with both the group exercise and ball sports sticker. Class is not held if weather gets too bad.

Stairs workout is held in the following days:

Summer classes of JoenVoLi

The instructors and themes of the JoenVoLi summer classes change weekly. Themes of the classes can be found on JoenVoLi website (only in Finnish). Enrollments on classes via SYKETTÄ sports calendar. Please bring your own exercise mat! Classes are organized by JoenVoLi so there will also be their own customers. Summer classes of JoenVoLi are held between 4.6.-8.8. as follows:


Karelia Golf

Learn how to play golf at the Pilkonpuisto. Only things that you should take with you to the class are sports shoes and open mind! Other equipment are offered by Karelia Golf. Class is held mainly in Finnish but if required, also in English.

Turns on Tuesdays 28.5. – 11.6. and again on August 20.8. – 27.8. at 4pm-5pm

NB! The turn will be held outside in Pilkonpuisto.

Additional information and location (only in Finnish): https://kareliagolf.fi/Aukiolo-hinnasto-Pilkko/

Karelia Golf Green card course – Learn how to play golf at the Pilkonpuisto.

The first part of the course is held on 30.-31.5. at 12 noon – 3pm at Pilkonpuisto.

NB! to be able to gain green card you will need to participate both days.

Only things that you should take with you to the class are sports shoes and open mind! Other equipment are offered by Karelia Golf. Course is held mainly in Finnish but if required, also in English.

Additional information and location (only in Finnish): https://kareliagolf.fi/Ajo-ohje-Pilkonpuisto/

SYKETTÄ pays the course for the participants.

Contact information:
Toni Laakkonen
0400 259944

Instructed football at Mehtimäki

Lehmon Pallo -77 organizes instructed football at Mehtimäki (Mehtimäenaukio 2, 80100 Joensuu) between 13.6.-25.7. on thursdays at 2pm-3pm. Enrollments via SYKETTÄ -sports calendar.


Ball sports turns at Mehtimäki hall

We have added badminton, volleyball and Roundnet turns at Mehtimäki hall UEF block for the entire summer Mon-Sun from 8am to 9:30pm. All players must have a valid ball sports or group exercise sticker. You must have your own rackets and balls on badminton turns. SYKETTÄ users can loan rackets and balls from the ISYY office during opening hours. Equipment for volleyball and Roundnet can be found in the block. Enrollment on turns via SYKETTÄ sports calendar.

UEF block oh Mehtimäki hall is located in the large hall part of Mehtimäki hall. The UEF block is accessible from door A on the right side of the main entrance, from the Kuntokeidas side. The changing rooms and showers are located in the corridor to the right of the lobby. Access to the block is through the changing rooms. The block is located in the hall on the right. Here you can find instructions on how to enter the UEF block: https://youtu.be/TghkiZMF73I

Door codes to door A of Mehtimäki hall:
June: 20735*
July: 21262*
August: 27390*

Ball sports turns at Länsikatu school

There will be ball sports turns at Länsikatu school on tuesdays, wednesdays and thursdays between 12noon-6pm. All players must have a valid ball sports or group exercise sticker. You must have your own rackets and balls on badminton turns. SYKETTÄ users can loan rackets and balls from the ISYY office during opening hours. Enrollment on turns via SYKETTÄ sports calendar.


Portti54 is open throughout the summer Mon-Sun from 4:30 am to 11:00 pm.

NB! Access code requests to Portti54 in summer 2024 must be made on a separate form. Portti54’s access code is valid according to the validity period of the SYKETTÄ sticker:
– Access codes for the academic year 2023-2024 and spring 2024 stickers are valid until 31.8.2024 and there is no need to apply for a new access
– If you buy a sticker for autumn 2024 or academic year 2024-2025, you must apply for a new code to Portti54

Aurora gym

Aurora gym is open during normal opening hours throughout the summer.

Tikkarinne gym

Tikkarinne gym is closed between 20.6.-5.8.2024.

Joensuu Areena gym

Joensuu Areena gym is open according to the opening hours of the Joensuu Areena.