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Sports Afternoon 2.10.2024


Sports afternoon schedule

The autumn Sports afternoon will be held in Joensuu on Wednesday 2.10.2024.

The University of Eastern Finland and the Karelia University of Applied Sciences hold a sports afternoon together. By the decision of the university rectors, the sports afternoons are lecture-free from 12:15 pm. On sports afternoon, in addition to the normal SYKETTÄ sports services, a wide variety of different exercise options are available for students and staff members. Some activities include a separate fee and a limited number of participants are accepted, so it is recommended to enroll on the activities in good time!

Please note that changes are possible! The schedule will be updated after the date of publication 12.9.

The program will be published on Thursday 12.9.2024. Enrollment times are event-specific. Enrollments via SYKETTÄ sports calendar start one week before the event, on Wednesday 25.9.2024. All sports classes at SYKETTÄ sports calendar on 2.10. are also included in Sports afternoon. You can participate in all Sports afternoon activities without a valid SYKETTÄ sticker, but you must register as a user and enroll on classes and turns.

NB! You can’t enroll on classes and turns in the sports calendar via mobile application without a valid SYKETTÄ sticker – if you don’t have a sticker, you have to enroll via sports calendar on the website!

UPDATED 17.9. at 3pm – Added Cosmic, instructed padel, instructed tennis, Ptvgym & Swimming
UPDATED 18.9. at 3pm – Added Escape rooms Huonepakopeli and Pakotarinat, titles of Golf-tournament and Beach volleyball
UPDATED 24.9. at 1pm – Added instructed Curling
UPDATED 25.9. at 9am – Added Shuffle and Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu

Beach volleyball

Welcome to play beachvolleyball during the Sports afternoon 2.10. We will play 2 different types of tournaments. There will be the “open” tournament with 4×4 games for fun. This is open for any level of experience ans without specific beach volleyball rules. Then we have the “competition” tournament which will be a bit more competitive and 2×2 following the beach volleyball rules. You can either enroll individual or as a team.

Note: if the weather conditions are too extreme the event might be cancelled

Enrolling via Google Forms starts on 25.9.

Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu (organized by Bujinkan Shinden Dojo Joensuu)

Welcome to Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu weapon’s class!

Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu is a Japanese martial art, which roots are in nine old Japanese martial arts schools. In Bujinkan we practice unarmed combat and also how to use a variety of different traditional Japanese weapons. More information about Bujinkan and our Dojo’s activities you can find from our website https://shindenjoensuu.net/ and https://www.shinden.fi/

Bujinkan is suitable for people in different shapes and sizes and you don’t need previous experience from other martial arts. 

In this sports afternoon practice you’ll get to try how to handle a wooden sword called bokken and a bo (180cm wooden staff). We have wooden weapons and also soft weapons. You can get the training equipment from the club for the duration of the training.

Wear clothes you feel comfortable to exercise on. Also bring a drinking bottle. We will practice with our socks on, so you don’t need indoor shoes with you!

Anything in your mind? Send us an email at bujinkanjoensuu@gmail.com

Time: Wed 2.10. at 13:00 – 14:30
Location: Urheilutalo, Koskikatu 12, 80100 Joensuu. 2nd floor tatami 1&2. Entrance to the tatamis are from the side door at Siltakatu side. We’re at the doors to guide you!

Enrolling via SYKETTÄ Sports Calendar starts on 25.9.

Cosmic bowling, billiards and darts

Sports Afternoon at Cosmic! Bowling 5€/1h/person (includes shoes), billiard 5€/1h/person and Darts 3€/1h/dart board.

More information and booking: http://www.cosmicjoensuu.fi/

Address: Yläsatamakatu 5

Curling (organized by Joensuu Curling)

Learn curling with Joensuu’s curling ry in the SYKETTÄ Sports afternoon with instructed curling. Price 10€/person (payment at curling hall with exact change in cash or card payment). Bring warm sports clothes, indoor game shoes and your own drinking bottle. Enrollment on the try out from 25.9. via SYKETTÄ sports calendar. 

Schedule of the turns (max. 16 people / turn):
At 2pm-4pm: Enrolling via SYKETTÄ calendar

Address: Linnunlahdentie 14, in the same yard as Kuntokeidas, on the corner of the dog park.

Dance classes at Cat People Dance School

Classes at Cat People Dance School:

Registration starts 18.9. and ends 1.10. exactly 1 day before the class starts

The minimum number of participants for each class is 5, if the class is cancelled due to a low number of participants, we will send an email to those who have enbroll after the enrolling period has ended

Enrolling via SYKETTÄ  Sports Calendar

Disc golf

Enjoy the autumn outdoors! You can book a disc golf set. Set includes 3 discs (putter, mid range and driver). Disc set can be picked up from the ISYY office at Haltia between 30.9.-1.10. during the office opening hours. Please notice that the office is closed on Wednesday 2.10.

Familiarize yourself with the rules of disc golf

Escape Rooms (organized by Huonepakopeli)

On the sports afternoon, you have a chance to try the popular room escape games for a special price of 18 €/person. You have 60 minutes to escape the locked room by combining clues, solving riddles and using logic. More detailed descriptions of the games can be found on Huonepakopeli’s website

Magic school (NB! At the address Koulukatu 47a, 80100 Joensuu)
At 12:15pm, at 1:45pm and at 3:15pm

A toymaker’s legacy (NB! At the address Koulukatu 47a, 80100 Joensuu)
At 12:30pm, at 2pm and at 3:30pm

Cottage (NB! At the address Koulukatu 47a, 80100 Joensuu)
At 12:45pm, at 2:15pm and at 3:45pm

Nuclear power station (NB! At the address Koulukatu 47a, 80100 Joensuu)
At 12:45pm, at 2:45pm and at 5pm

Enrollments via Kide.app (open 20.9. at 10 am – 1.10. at 12noon) pay at Huonepakopeli on Sports Afternoon 2.10.

Escape Rooms (organized by Pakotarinat)

On the sports afternoon, you have a chance to try the popular room escape games for a special price of 18 €/person. You have 60 minutes to escape the locked room by combining clues, solving riddles and using logic.

More detailed descriptions of the games can be found on Pakotarinat website

At 12:15 noon (group size 2-6 persons)
At 3:30 pm (group size 2-6 persons)

Secrets of the Past
At 12:15 noon (group size 2-6 persons)
At 3:30 pm (group size 2-6 persons)

Witch of the Enchanted Forest
At 12:15 noon (group size 2-5 persons)
At 3:30pm (group size 2-5 persons)

Address: Teollisuuskatu 11 B

Enrollments via Kide.app (open 20.9. at 10am – 1.10. at 12noon) pay at Pakotarinat on Sports Afternoon 2.10.

Finnish baseball

Open Finnish baseball turn at Mehtimäki Finnish baseball stadium (Bolt Stadion, Mehtimäenaukio 2, 80110 Joensuu) at 2pm-4pm. Finnish baseball equipment of ISYY is available. Maximum of 26 participants. Free. 

Enrollment via SYKETTÄ sports calendar starts on 25.9.

Football tournament

Football tournament is split into a competitive and fun series. Tournament fee for the team is 10 euros. Enrollment by teams.

Competitive serie

At Joensuu keskuskenttä grass field at 12noon-5pm. The matches are played on half the football field. At the same time 6+1 players on the field. Maximum of 6 teams. The best teams will be rewarded!

Enrollment via Kide.app (open 18.9. at 12noon – 30.9. at 12noon)

Fun Serie

At Louhela field (next to the Science park // Tiedepuisto) at 12noon-6pm. The matches are played on half the football field. At the same time 6+1 players on the field. In the fun serie, there should be more than one gender on the field all the time. Maximum of 8 teams. The best teams will be rewarded!

Enrollment via Kide.app (open 18.9. at 12noon – 30.9. at 12noon)

Golf-tournament (organized by Karelia Golf)

More information added soon

Horse riding classes (organized by Liperin Ratsastuskeskus)

Enrollments 30.9.2024 at 4pm at the latest by calling to number 

+358407414978/Tero. Price is 35€/class. Cancellation places can still be asked on Tuesday 1.10.

NB! There won’t be a common lift to the place so you should arrange your own lift before booking a class. You can also get to the stables by bike or bus (at least bus 102)

Horse riding groups on the hour between 12noon and 4pm. Tero divides the riders into level groups.

Address: Päivänkämmen 8, 83130 Salokylä


Megazone Laser Tag Game (organized by Megazone Joensuu)

Megazone Laser Tag Game at Sports Afternoon! Laser tag is played in a dimly lit, maze where players are provided with high tech vests and awesome but harmless laser guns. Players then try to score points by deactivating other players’ vests and destroying their bases.

Megazone special offer for Sports Afternoon 14€/person. Two game sessions at 2pm-3pm and 3pm-4pm, register via SYKETTÄ Sports Calendar. Pay at Megazone.

At 2pm-3pm: Enrolling via SYKETTÄ calendar
At 3pm-4pm: Enrolling via SYKETTÄ calendar

Address: Sortavalankatu 2, 80100 Joensuu

Read more at the homepage: https://megazone.fi/joensuu/in-english/ 

Enroll via SYKETTÄ Sports Calendar at 25.9.-1.10.

Open day at Portti54 gym

Welcome to visit the Portti54 gym! Open day at Portti54 on sports afternoon at 10am-4pm.

Address: Tulliportinkatu 54

Nuorisoverstas and Combat Heaven are located in the same building. Access to the gym is from the right side of the building

Porrastreeni at Laulurinne at 1pm-2pm (instructed  by SYKETTÄ sports counsellor Rosa Koistinen)

Enrolling  starts via SYKETTÄ  Sports Calendar 25.9. at 1pm.

Weather reservation! If it rains a lot , the stair workout will be changed to the Circuit training, which will be held in the Mehtimäki Hall pedagogical room. The instructor will send an email to everyone who has signed up 4 hours before at the latest if the stair workout changes to Circuit. 

You will need weather-appropriate sportswear, good training shoes and a drinking bottle.

Enroll here!


Welcome to tryout Ptvgym (Teollisuuskatu 5-7) at Sports afternoon on 2.10.2024. 

  1. Download Ptvgym app from your app store
  2. Register for Ptvgym Joensuu
  3. Purchase 1 day visit with code UEF100 – visit is free on 2.10.2024

Shuffle (organized by Turn Shuffle)

Shuffle Dance is a dance style with electronic music focusing on fast-paced footwork. Shuffle Dance has been influenced by street dance, breakdance and hip hop where its most famous movement “running man” comes from.

This class is suitable for both beginners and more experienced dancers. We will start with the basics but the more experienced dancers will be challenged by the many more difficult variations of movements.

Please bring your indoor shoes and water bottle.

Time: at 2pm-3pm
Place: Mehtimäki hall (Motonet Areena) pedagogical room
Address: Kisapolku 1 (The pedagogical room is accessible from the back of the building on the university side. Door F leads to the women’s changing rooms and door E leads to the men’s changing rooms.)

Enrollment via SYKETTÄ sports calendar starts at 25.9.


Swimming at swimming hall Vesikko on Sports afternoon at 12noon-4pm.  Swimming in Vesikko costs 4,60 €/person. Payment at the info of the swimming hall.

Enroll via SYKETTÄ Sports Calendar at 25.9.-1.10.

Swimming at Rantakylä swimming hall on Sports afternoon at 12noon-4pm. Swimming in Rantakylä costs 4,60 €/person. Payment at the info of the swimming hall.

Enroll via SYKETTÄ Sports Calendar at 25.9.-1.10.

Tennis at KarTe’s tennis hall

As a sports afternoon extra, tennis turns at KarTe tennis hall in Mehtimäki Sports Park. Enrollments on the turns from 25.9. via SYKETTÄ sports calendar. For non-cancellable and unused field reservations we charge the rent of the tennis court (16 €). Please bring your own rackets and balls, ISYY members and SYKETTÄ users can loan from the ISYY office if necessary.

Time: at 12.30pm-2.30 pm.

Address: Hallitie 3

Enrollment via SYKETTÄ sports calendar

Water Rygby

Have you heard of Under water Rugby? Your welcome to come and try it out here at Joensuu’s Vesikko swimming hall. Participants must have 200m swimming skills and approximately 2m diving skills. You need your own bathing suit. The Aim of the sport is to get a ball to the openent’s goal at the bottom of the pool. We use diving fins, masks and snorkels, which can be borrowed for the introduction course.

Vesikko diving pool at 1pm and 3pm, max 8 participants

Enrollment via Kide.app starting on 18.9.

Sports Afternoon Afterparty