Electronic keys and door codes for the gyms
Kirjoitettu: 21.11.2022 10:07
In the future, electronic keys and door codes for all gyms will be requested on a separate form. You can use the form to request access to both the new Portti54 gym and the Joensuu Areena gym. The physical electronic keys of the Tikkarinne gym will later be abandoned and replaced by mobile keys. We will inform users later when the mobile keys to Tikkarinne gym will be given and the physical electronic keys will be collected.
Access rights for Portti54 can already be applied for.
– Physical electronic key (UEF staff and students who have an electronic key to the library)
– Mobile key (Students and staff of Karelia and UEF students who do not have an electronic key to the library)
Joensuu Areena gym:
– Door code
Tikkarinne gym:
– Mobile key (will be available later)