Sports turns application for student and staff groups 2017-2018
18.4.2017 klo 12:01
UEF and NKUAS student and staff groups can apply sports turns for them between 2017-2018. Sports turns will start between September 2017 – May 2018. All users must have a valid sports sticker before the services can be used. Application form Application time ends on 12.5. at 12noon. All the applicants will be called to […]
Joensuu Sports Afternoon 14.2.2017
19.1.2017 klo 14:13
The Sports Afternoon is a biannual event organised by Sykettä sports services. You can participate if you are student or staff person of UEF or KUAS. The purpose of the Sports Afternoon is to give our students an opportunity ...Please, give us feedback from Sport Afternoon!
13.10.2016 klo 14:16
UEF and UAS' of Eastern Finland had their Sports Afternoon for students and staff members on 4.10. at 12.15-16. Please help SYKETTÄ University Sports to make the Sports Afternoon even better. Please, answer these guestions and...Sports Afternoon 4.10.2016
15.9.2016 klo 14:30
The Sports Afternoon is a biannual event organised by ISYY, POKA and SYKETTÄ sports services. You can participate if you are student or staff person of UEF or KUAS. The purpose of the Sports Afternoon is to give our students ...Loivasti liikkeelle -sessions
14.9.2016 klo 09:24
Loivasti liikkeelle (LL) -sessions (Loivasti liikkeelle = Easy Exercise ) have arrived to Joensuu’s Sykettä university sports services. The focus on these sessions lies mostly in body maintenance and they are perfect for th...