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SYKETTÄ Joensuu: Sports turns application for student and staff groups, 2018-2019

Kirjoitettu: 26.4.2018 13:56

UEF and KUAS student and staff groups can apply sports turns for them between 2018-2019. Sports turns will start between September 2018 – May 2019. All users must have a valid sports sticker before the services can be used.

Application form

Application time ends on 18.5.2018 at 12noon.

All the applicants will be called to a meeting where the turns are distributed. The meeting time will be announced later. After the meeting all applicants will be informed about the distributed sport turns.

For more information:
Juho Mutanen, p. 050 346 9620, vapaa-aika(at)isyy.fi
Heli Aalto, p. 044 576 8445, liikuntasuunnittelija(at)isyy.fi