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Hygiene and Safety Instructions

Updated Instructions (instructions must be followed without exception)

Attend classes and turns when you are completely healthy
If a coronary infection has just been diagnosed or even suspected in your family, workplace, study group, etc., it is better to take it for granted and come to class only when you are sure that you have not been exposed.
We recommend that, if possible, users wear sports clothes already when arriving at the classes and don’t use the showers in sports facilities
We recommend the use of face masks when arriving at the sports facilities, as well as in changing rooms and lobbies
All facility-specific hygiene and safety instructions can be found in the next section

Facility-specific Hygiene and Safety Instructions

In this section you will find facility-specific hygiene and safety instructions in our sports facilities.

Länsikatu, Tulliportinkatu and Rantakylä Teaching Training Schools

– Avoid the use of changing rooms if possible, outerwear can be left on the edges of the gymnasium and shoes in the lobby
Länsikatu school has two changing rooms for both women and men
Users of changing rooms must be evenly distributed in different changing rooms
We recommend that, if possible, users wear sports clothes already when arriving at the classes and don’t use the showers in sports facilities
Do not cause congestion in the lobby
Wait for the previous group to leave the gymnasium

Tikkarinne Group Exercise Room (E161) and Small Exercise Room (E326)

There are coat racks outside the door in both exercise rooms for outwear
We recommend that, if possible, users wear sports clothes already when arriving at the classes and don’t use the showers in sports facilities
Do not cause congestion in the lobby of the exercise rooms and wait for the start of the class in the lower lobby or floor lobby of Tikkarinne, if necessary
Wait for the previous group to leave the gymnasium

Aurora Gym

Instructed groups follow the instructions given by the instructor and the number of participants in the SYKETTÄ sports calendar
Wash your hands always when entering and leaving the gym
Equipment and machines must be carefully wiped immediately after use

Tikkarinne Gym

Instructed groups follow the instructions given by the instructor and the number of participants in the SYKETTÄ sports calendar
Wash your hands always when entering and leaving the gym
Equipment and machines must be carefully wiped immediately after use

Joensuu Areena Gym

Instructed groups follow the instructions given by the instructor and the number of participants in the SYKETTÄ sports calendar
Wash your hands always when entering and leaving the gym
Equipment and machines must be carefully wiped immediately after use

Sports Centre’s Tatam 5

Avoid hanging around for no reason in locker rooms
On Tuesdays at 9 am, group members will change clothes in the changing room if necessary and move to the lobby to wait for the end of the previous class. At 8 am, group members move from the tatam at the end of the class directly to the changing room, and at 9 pm, group members move into the hall from the lobby side door.

Other Sports Facilities of the City of Joensuu and Partners in Cooperation

Follow the own instructions of the city of Joensuu and partners in cooperation
Wash your hands always when entering and leaving
Avoid unnecessary hanging around in changing rooms

What are the Instructions for the Sports Turns?

All participants and instructors must be completely healthy when participating in sports turns.
Everyone participating in sports turns must maintain good hand hygiene. When entering and leaving the sports facilities, moving from one facility to another and otherwise if necessary, immediately wash your hands and use alcohol-based hand sanitiser. Hand washing facilities are available in the toilet/shower facilities and hand sanitiser is available in the university sports facilities.
Cough and sneeze into a disposable tissue and put the tissue in the bin immediately after use. If you do not have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your sleeve, not into your hands.
Groups sizes are moderate that it would be easier to maintain safety distance from other participants.
Exit the exercise facility immediatelly after the sports turn.
In classes exercising with equipment, each participant cleans the equipment they have used after the class.
You must bring your own exercise mat to every sports turns, also in Tikkarinne.
Instructions for those who belong to high-risk group: We strive to take care of the hygiene and safety distances in sports turns so that people belonging to high-risk group can participate in turns safely. However, the people belonging to high-risk group makes the decision to participate in the sports turns.

Coronainfo of the University of Eastern Finland
Coronainfo of the Karelia University of Applied Sciences
Instructions for protecting yourself from coronavirus (Finnish institute for health and welfare)