Loivasti liikkeelle -sessions
Kirjoitettu: 14.9.2016 09:24
Loivasti liikkeelle (LL) -sessions (Loivasti liikkeelle = Easy Exercise ) have arrived to Joensuu’s Sykettä university sports services. The focus on these sessions lies mostly in body maintenance and they are perfect for those who are just starting out exercising. Loivasti liikkeelle -sessions are distinguishable by the letters ‘LL’ in the titles of these sessions. You can sign up for these sessions on the Sykettä website.
The following Loivasti liikkeelle classes are up now on the Sykettä calendar:
LL: Water Aerobics (Malmikoti) 5:15pm–6:15pm
LL: Body Conditioning (Fysioterapia Sulavi) 4:30pm–5:30p
LL: Instructed Gym Session for Beginners (Aurora gym) 5pm–6pm
LL: Neck and Shoulder Exercise (Tikkarinne peilisali E161) 7pm–8pm
LL: Deep Stretching (Tikkarinteen peilisali E161) 8pm–9pm
LL: Basics of Frisbee Golf (Frisbee golf course at Kirkkopuisto) 5pm (on 15, 22 and 29 September)
LL: Outdoor Exercise (location and starting time varies). Follow the sports calendar. Only in Finnish.
LL: Trimmi for Staff Members (Länsikatu school) 5pm–6pm
Coming up
LL: Outdoor Games
More information:
Heli Aalto
+35844 576 8445