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New badminton turns in the spring sports calendar

19.12.2022 klo 11:01

At the request of our users, we have added new open badminton turns to the spring sports calendar. Players enroll on a turn without a pair and turns are especially intended for players who do not have a playmate. There are two levels of turns: relaxed turns and competitive turns. The players who have arrived […]

SYKETTÄ stickers for the spring semester on sale from 15.12.

15.12.2022 klo 12:33

You can buy SYKETTÄ mobile stickers for the spring season from 15.12. on our online shop or via the mobile application. Stickers are valid immediately from 15.12. We recommend that you read the SYKETTÄ Terms of Use before purc...

Winter cycling competition Kilometrikisa is coming again!

8.12.2022 klo 14:31

SYKETTÄ Joensuu is participating in the winter cycling competition Kilometrikisa, which will be held between January 1st – February 28th 2023. All UEF and Karelia UAS staff members and students are welcome to attend SYKETTÄ Jo...

Mobile key of Portti54

8.12.2022 klo 09:28

A mobile key is used for the access to the new gym Portti54, if the user does not have a UEF physical electronic key (students and staff of Karelia and UEF students who do not have an electronic key to the library). Here are the i...

Do you want to be part of the SYKETTÄ instructing team?

1.12.2022 klo 12:36

We are constantly looking for new instructors for our SYKETTÄ team. You can use open form to apply to SYKETTÄ throughout the year. SYKETTÄ Sports Services operate according to the university academic calendar. New instructors a...
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