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Problems to find the mobile app from Google Play Store? Read this!

Kirjoitettu: 10.10.2017 09:13

Can’t find SYKETTÄ Joensuu app from Google Play store? Here’s the instructions how to change the country setting of Google Play store. SYKETTÄ mobile app can be found only from finnish Google Play store.

1) Sign into your Google Wallet account to manage your payment methods (https://wallet.google.com/manage/paymentMethods)

2) Delete all of your payment methods from Google Wallet, and only add a card to one with a billing address located inside your desired country

3) Open the Play Store and navigate to any item available for download

4) Click to begin a download until you reach the “Accept and buy” screen (no need to complete the purchase)

5) Close the Play Store and clear data for the Google Play Store application (Settings > Apps > Google Play Store > Clear Data) or clear your browser cache

6) Re-open the Play Store. You should now see the Play Store that matches your default payment instrument’s billing country.