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Sport event

Jumping Rope Disco @Sports Afternoon


Place Tulliportinkatu School Inner Court (Tulliportinkatu 1, 80130 Joensuu)
Date and time 2.10.2024 at 15:15 - 16:15
Type Other Booking
Participants 26 / 32
More information In jump rope disco, music plays a big role. Let's go over the basics, but I'm sure the music will play loud and clear.

Let's jump to keep the string together and shorter on our own.

Instructed by Olli Toivola from Ropee. Jump ropes can be found on the spot.

In case of rain, the jumping rope disco is held in the Tulliportinkatu sports hall.

Disco duration approx. 1h. It might take longer if you can't stop jumping.



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