SYKETTÄ Appro 2018
What is SYKETTÄ Appro?
SYKETTÄ Appro is a sports appro organized by the Student Union of University of Eastern Finland (ISYY), the Student Union of Karelia University of Applied Sciences and the Student Union of Savonia University of Applied Sciences along SYKETTÄ sports services for university students in Joensuu and Kuopio. SYKETTÄ Appro will be held on weeks 36-37 (Sept. 3th-16th) as a part of free try out week of the SYKETTÄ sport services.
The basic idea of SYKETTÄ Appro is that the participants pick up the appro passport and collect marknings from the SYKETTÄ sport events they have taken part in. Each sport performance is worth of one markning. The participants who return their passport take part in a lottery to win prizes (heart rate monitor etc) and get a cloth badge equivalent to their performance: 2-3 marknings to bronze, 4-6 marknings to silver, 7-9 marknings to gold and over 10 marknings to diamond.
In SYKETTÄ Appro the participants have all instructed SYKETTÄ sport events available for them, unless otherwise specified. Also ball sports sessions and regular turns are included in SYKETTÄ appro if there’s an instructor/ responsible person.
There is a limited number of appro passports and cloth badges in every campus, so be quick!
Participation rules
1. Each participant must pick up the free appro passport at their campus office (ISYY or POKA) and register as a user on SYKETTÄ webpage. Appro passports are given at the campus offices between Aug. 27th and Sept. 14th within the limits of office hours.
2. You must register to the sport event you wish to take part in beforehand on the webpage.
3. Be on time at the sport events! Take with you the needed sports gear. You can check out the sports gear needed in each event from the event information on SYKETTÄ calendar.
4. Remember to take the appro passport with you and show it to the instructor after the event. The instructor will give you the markning to your passport.
5. Each sport performance is worth of one markning. You can collect maximum of two marknings from the same sport event.
6. You can take part in as many sport events as you wish during the day. You can collect marknings between Sept. 3th and Sept. 16th.
7. Return your appro passport to the campus office the week after the SYKETTÄ Appro (by Friday 21th at 13.00).
8. The participants who return their passport take part in lottery to win prizes and get a cloth badge equivalent to their performance:
2-3 marknings = Bronze
4-6 marknings = Silver
7-9 marknings = Gold
10+ marknings = Diamond
9. Lottery will be held by the end of September and the winners will be published at the first week of October (week 40).