Electronic keys for Opistotie have 20 € deposit starting from August 2017
Kirjoitettu: 3.7.2017 11:47
New practice: deposit for Opistotie keys
Starting from August 1st we will collect a 20 € deposit when handing over the Opistotie keys. Deposit means that you will get the money back when you return the key to us in good condition.
How it works
- You can get a key from KUTOP and Lukema as before
- When you get the key you sign a contract for it and pay the 20 € deposit
- They key is for personal use only. You can use it as long as you have a valid sports sticker paid.
Returning the key
- Return the key to the same service point you got if from.
- They key must be returned within 30 days after your right to use the sport services has ended (=after your sticker has been expired)
- You lose your deposit if you return the key too late, it disappears or gets broken due to your actions.
- Everything’s okay = you get your deposit back!
Oh no, why do I have to pay a deposit?
The deposit may feel like a big money, but actually you get the money back in the end, so no worries.
We used to give the keys away for free, but unfortunately too many people didn’t return the key after they stopped using our serivces. It is really time-consuming and hard to try to collect the penalty fees for missing keys and new keys are expensive too. With the deposit payment we hope that we can spare the money for actual sport services and exercise equipment instead of the new keys. In addition, once the keys are returned as they should be, there will be enough keys for the new, enthusiastic users 🙂