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Gyms in university campus

SYKETTÄ has two gyms in University campus: Studentia (Yliopistonranta 3) and Snellmania (Yliopistonranta 1). These halls and gyms are open for your use with a valid SYKETTÄ sticker. 

Please check the page of each gym to learn about the opening hours, equipment and other important stuff: Studentia and Snellmania

Gym shifts in our partners’ gym

You can book a gym shift for KuoFit or Kunnonsali , if you have a valid SYKETTÄ sticker.
The shift must be booked in the sports calendar and you can also see the current schedule from there. The time in the calendar means the time in which you must arrive in the gym – you can stay and train after the arrival time. Shifts are for independent training.

Please note there is sanction policy in effect! Please cancel your enrollment if you cannot attend the shift.

You can check the gym shifts during summer from sports calendar or from SYKETTÄ summer info.

Additional services:

– City of Kuopio gym card for Rajala and Kotkankallio

– Voimakellari Novapolis gym card (Buy at latest 31.7.24 to get the discount)

City of Kuopio gym card fot Rajala and Kotkankallio

If you wish, you can get a very cheap membership card for the city of Kuopio’s gyms Rajala and Kotkankallio, which are civil defense shelters used for sport. With that membership card you can also use Studentia gym on evenings and weekends.

The whole year membership card for SYKETTÄ-users:
staff members 122 € / students 63 €
(Without the SYKETTÄ sticker the price is 142 €/83 €)

Half a year membership card for SYKETTÄ-user:
staff members 60 €/ students 30,50 €
( Without the SYKETTÄ sticker the price is 80 €/50,50 €)

There are limited amount of cards available in the autumn semester. The Kuopio gym card is bought directly ONLY from Kuopio-Halli info (see the selling points in City of Kuopio website) .

When buying the card, you must have a valid SYKETTÄ sticker and ID card.
The starting fee for the card is 7,90 €.

Please note that with one-month sticker you cannot purchase a seasonal ticket to City of Kuopio gyms!

Voimakellari Novapolis Gym card

This discount is ending soon! Please purchase at latest 31.7.24!

With a valid SYKETTÄ sticker you can buy gym card to Voimakellari Novapolis with 10€ discount for one or several month.

Normally the monthly student price to Voimakellari Novapolis gym is 29€ but with a valid SYKETTÄ sticker the price is only 19€. You can buy your own gym card from Voimakellari Novapolis reception during the opening hours. Show your valid SYKETTÄ sticker to get the discount.

Voimakellari Novapolis reception opening hours: Mon & Wed from 14.00 to 16.00.

More information about the gym: https://www.voimakellari.fi/salit/novapolis