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SYKETTÄ for your Christmas time

Kirjoitettu: 2.12.2019 10:14

During the week 50 there is a lot of SYKETTÄ happenings for you to enjoy:

Tuesday 10.12.: SYKETTÄ pre-Christmas! We have free group classes and ball sport turns, in addition there is also open doors to all of our gyms (in Opistotie entrance to the facilities 8.00-20.00 without the electronic key). You can use our services freely that day, you do not have to have a SYKETTÄ sticker. Take your friends with you and enjoy! Please enroll for the classes via the sports calendar. We also offer you some Christmas sweets in our facilities.   

Wednesday 11.12. SYKETTÄ & Mysteries  Have a little bit more exciting Christmas season with escape room games in Mysteeri Kuopio! You can participate in the game “blindfolded” (only in Finnish!) or if you wish to play in English, please contact Mysteeri Kuopio and book a game for you and your friends. With SYKETTÄ sticker you get -20 % discount. 

Thursday 12.12. SYKETTÄ cooking class: vegeterian Christmas treats. We’ll be cooking several sweet and savoury Christmas dishes and treats together during the evening. The evening will be held mostly in finnish, however instructions and recipes can be translated in English as well. Read more and enroll via the sports calendar, SYKETTÄ sports sticker needed.
