Bulletin from Universities: Sykettä sports services discontinued as a precautionary measure
Kirjoitettu: 23.11.2020 16:49
Kuopio City remains at the baseline phase of corona pandemic. As a precautionary measure, however, SYKETTÄ sports services will be discontinued for the remainder of the year. The decision to discontinue to the SYKETTÄ sports services was made jointly by the University of Eastern Finland and Savonia University of Applied Sciences. The services will be discontinued as from 24 November.
There are no cases of corona or exposures to virus in SYKETTÄ Kuopio’s services, this a precautionary measure.
We will continue some of the classes online, please follow our channels!
More information about the decision of the Universities:
UEF, Director of Administration Tuomo Meriläinen tuomo.merilainen@uef.fi
Savonia, Talousjohtaja Seppo Lyyra seppo.lyyra@uef.fi
SYKETTÄ Kuopio contact information here.