The opening of sports services in January
Kirjoitettu: 17.12.2020 15:43
The security committees of Savonia UAS and University of Eastern Finland gathered this week and decided about reopening the university sports services.
Please note that the situation with corona can change at any time and if after the holidays it is getting worse, this schedule might change.
Decisions in more detail will be done in January, in the week which starts from 11.1.
If we have to make any refund from SYKETTÄ spring 2021 payments: We will make desicions later in the spring after we know how long delay the Covid 19 virus causes.
The schedule for reopening the services:
4.1. – 17.1.2021 Only online services in use
18.1.2021 The facilities and services open gradually. The information about what services open and when is decided on more detail in January by the security committees of Universities.