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Online classes in February and borrow a kettlebell for home training

Kirjoitettu: 25.1.2021 15:57

We will continue the online classes in February. The new schedule is valid from Monday 1.2.

You are welcome to join with any valid SYKETTÄ sticker.

How to join online classes

If you buy the sticker for spring season, please send us a message to get the Zoom link for online classes!

Click the image to make it bigger!

New service: Borrow a kettlebell!

In February you can borrow a kettlebell for two weeks at a time. You can borrow a kettlebell if you have a valid SYKETTÄ sticker. You can see more information in the loaning form once it is open.
The kettlebell are picked from and returned to Studentia safely without close contact to anyone.
The loan periods are 1.2.-14.2. and 15.2.-28.2.

Updated: You can also borrow a pump set (barbell and weight plates)

Borrow a kettlebell via this form, it opens on Wednesday 8.2. at 9.00! The kettlebells are given out in the order in which the applications come in, so be quick.
