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Fitness tests on 23th of May in Väinölänniemi

Kirjoitettu: 9.5.2022 12:09

SYKETTÄ Kuopio offers a chance for all members of the university community in Kuopio to take part in a fitness test!

You can choose between a Cooper test (12 minutes of non-stop running) or UKK-institute 6 minutes walk testi (walk as much as you can in 6 minutes).

Enroll for either Fitness test via this form.

Cooper test is meant for testing your maximum durability. The idea of this test is to run non-stop as much as you can in 12 minutes. Performing a Cooper test is quite hard and it is recommended for healthy persons only.

UKK institute walking test is recommended for healthy adults between 20–70 of age who has no circulatory disease, respiratory disease, musculoskeletal disease or any symptoms that will disturb non-stop walking for 6 minutes. This test is meant for measuring the maximum oxygen intake. Men need a pulse wristband/counter and heart rate reading needs to be seen at the end of this test. For women it is not needed.

Fitness tests will be taken on 23th of May at Väinölänniemi stadium. Cooper test is held at 15–16 pm and walking test will be held at 16–17pm. Fitness tests are free and do not require a SYKETTÄ-sticker. All participants will receive email for further information before the test.

For further questions contact Sports Coordinators
