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KYY-liiga/Floorball tournament

KYY-liiga is floorball tournament and it’s to be held in the autumn of 2024.

The games will be played starting from 17.9.

The games of the  Elite and Fun series are played in one block of Studentia.
The games are on Tuesdays from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. and on Thursdays from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.
The final tournament will be held on Sunday 1st of December at 2 p.m. at Studentia.

The team consists of at least 8 players (at least 4  present ), one of whom is the so-called captain and one of whom is the so-called manager. All the team members has to have a valid SYKETTÄ sticker (ball sport or group class).

The games are played 3 players + a goalkeeper on the field. Exchanges may be made on the fly without limit. As a rule, players must be from the same subject organization or institution. 

Playing time is 2 x 10 min.

Max 6 teams/series.

Six teams are selected for both series based on the first six teams to register.

If the schedule does not suit the team and the time of the game must be changed or the team does not arrive, the penalty fee of EUR 20 is paid to the team. If the team need to change the game schedule Inform it by whatsapp as it says on rules of the games. 

Elite series teams

Fun series teams

You will find the game results here.