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Feedback for SYKETTÄ services

Kirjoitettu: 4.11.2020 11:10

We want to develop SYKETTÄ services! Give us feedback and let us know if you have any great ideas for the future of SYKETTÄ. We are here to ask feedback from SYKETTÄ users and also from those who haven`t used SYKETTÄ services. By answering this survey you have an impact on upcoming sports selection and other services.

This survey is about all of our services, not just about the group classes. Questions are focused on Autumn 2020. You can answer this inquiry at latest on 15.11.2020. There will be a lottery for all participants who have given their contact details and prizes are 2 yoga mats, 2 badminton rackets and 2 balance-pillows.

Answer the feedback survey here!

Thank you from your time! 🙂
