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In March the Studentia gym is available also during evenings and weekends

Kirjoitettu: 21.2.2020 14:04

Hi SYKETTÄ user, we have great news! In March you can visit Studentia gym within extended opening hours.  

Please keep your SYKETTÄ sticker with you when visiting the gym.

Studentia opening hours in March 1.-31.3.:

Mon – Fri 7-22 (doors are open until 21.30, you must leave at 22 o’clock at the latest)
Sat- Sun 9-21 (doors are open until 20 o’clock, you must leave at 21 o’clock at the latest)

Notice that the dressing rooms are not in use during the weekends, if there is a ball sport tournament in Studentia.

This is one month long trial with the city of Kuopio to explore the possibility of cooperative use of the gym. 
