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Sport event

Gentle Yoga, sports afternoon


Place Studentia (Yliopistonranta 15, 70200 Kuopio)
Date and time 1.3.2022 at 14:00 - 14:55
Type Event
Instructor Jenni Löppönen
Participants 21 / 40
More information Instructed mainly in Finnish! This gentle yoga class is suitable for beginners. This class guides you to perceive your own body as well in the movement as in stabilized asanas safely. We focus on easy exercises, opening up the body guidelines and overhauling the body. We activate our muscle tone and get flexibility and mobility in our bodies. In every class you have a possibility for relaxation and focusing on your own body and mind. Namaste!

Remember to cancel the class on time if you can’t participate!
You can cancel the class at the latest on 28.2. at 12.00.
Note that the cancellation period varies from event to event: There are some classes (arranged by external partners) that requires you to enroll before certain date. This is told in the description of the class, so read the information carefully!

You can cancel the class via SYKETTÄ Sports calendar the same way you have enrolled for the event, or from the “own enrollments” link in top of the web page.
When you enroll, you agree to our practice with the cancellation.

What if I get sick?
– If you let us know before the event starts, it’s okay!
– If you let us know only afterwards or when the event has already started, please deliver us a sick leave certificate or pay the cancellation fine 10 €.


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You can cancel enrollment no later than 24 hours before the event.

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