Sport event
Appro: Tembo body care45'
Place | Studio Tempo (Puijonkatu 27, 70100 Kuopio) |
Date and time | 5.9.2023 at 15:45 - 16:30 |
Type | Light / Body overhaul |
Instructor | Tempo Liikunta- ja fysiostudio |
Participants | 12 / 12 |
More information | Entrance to Tempo: Go the Puijonkatu and Tulliportinkatu street corner and take a lift to floor -2. The effects of a calm and gentle body care class are aimed at connective tissues, ligaments, and the nervous system and fascia network. The class utilizes different body care methods, such as pilates and deep stretching. Depending on the need, the class can also use different equipment, such as balls and rollers. |
Users allowed to participate
- HUMAK University of Applied Sciences, Students
- University of Eastern Finland, Students
- University of Eastern Finland, Staff members
- Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Students
- Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Staff members
- University of Arts Helsinki, Students
- University of Arts Helsinki, Staff members
- Ball Sports 2023-2024 (36.00€)
- Ball sports AUTUMN 2023 (22€)
- Group Class 2023-2024 (69.00€)
- Group class AUTUMN 2023 (39€)
- September 2023 one-month sticker (15.00€)
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