Sports afternoon program has been canceled on Wednesday, October 7th, 2020
Kirjoitettu: 6.10.2020 12:57
By the decision of the University of Eastern Finland, Karelia University of Applied Sciences and Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Sports afternoon program has been canceled on Wednesday, October 7th, 2020. The reason for the cancellation is the rapid progression of the corona epidemic and the consequent increase in the risk of infection.
Wednesday 7.10.2020 is still free from teaching after 12 noon, so we encourage everyone to move independently and at their own risk, taking safety issues into account.
For more information on the decision, please contact:
University of Eastern Finland
Director of administration Tuomo Meriläinen, p. 040 3552299
Karelia University of Applied Sciences:
President Petri Raivo, p. 050 310 9749
Savonia University of Applied Sciences
Communications Manager Petteri Alanko,
For more information for cancellation policies, please contact:
Joensuu SYKETTÄ Sports services:
Service planner Niklas Leinonen, p.044-5768418
University Sports coordinator Heli Aalto, p. 044 -5768445
Kuopio SYKETTÄ Sports services:
University Sports coordinator Paula Ruokonen, p. 044 785 5087
University Sports coordinator Sirpa Risto, puh. 044 576 8446
Instructions for participants of the Sports Afternoon
- The participation fees already paid will be returned
- Those who have enrolled for activities organized by outside service providers will get e-mail providing more information
- If you have reserved any activity straight from any service provider (e.g. bowling alley etc.) you are free to go exercise, please take care of hygiene and safety instructions
- Cancellation affects only the Sports afternoon, not regular SYKETTÄ services