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Winter break during the week 10 – schedules here!

Kirjoitettu: 17.2.2020 12:38

Winter holiday on week 10 (2.-8.3.)

*Sport facilities are open with normal opening hours! NEW: 1.-31.3. you can use Studentia gym also during the evenings and weekends!

*Instructed group classes are mostly cancelled. We offer you couple of classes, please enroll as usual via the sports calendar!

*Great offer from Studio Tempo:

You can train the whole week with 5 €! The offer is for everyone with a valid student card (SYKETTÄ sticker not mandatory) or if you are a university staff member here in Kuopio, with your staff card and SYKETTÄ sticker (SYKETTÄ sticker mandatory!). Studio Tempo is a wellness center for women only.
