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Joy and light from SYKETTÄ services – Info-Letter 4/2015

Kirjoitettu: 15.4.2015 21:14

In this info letter 4/2015:

1) Events in the Spring

– SYKETTÄ Running School on Monday 20.4.2015
– Students “Ravikunkku” king of the trot –competition on Monday 27.4.2015

2) Ball Sports Sticker is now Group Exercise Sticker!

– Starting from Monday 20.4.2015 you can get to know group classes with only
having a ball sports sticker (15 euros)!
– The goal is to have 100 new users in the Spring 2015.

3) Changes at the Schedule in Spring and Summer 2015

– 30.4.-1.5. and 14.5. – No instructed group classes

4) Course: Light start for doing sports

Come to get some motivation and joy to do different kinds of sports via this course! Enroll via this link.

Ps. SYKETTÄ offers you smile and apples at the ISYY campus days on Monday 20.4. at the Snellmania hall (UEF) and on Tuesday 21.4. at the Canthia hall. Come and say hello!

1) Events in the Spring

SYKETTÄ Running School on Monday 20.4.2015

Come to get some energy for your running by attending SYKETTÄ Running School on Monday 20.4. We start with the running info at 16:00-16:45 in Lukema (Yliopistonranta 3) and end the school with practices outside in Savilahti-area at 16:45-17:30.

You get the basic info about starting to run, running position and technique. Enroll via this link! 

SYKETTÄ Running Shcool is a fresh start for students running happening in the Autumn  4.9.2015.

Students king of the trot –competition on Monday 27.4.2015

“Ravikunkku” Students king of the trot –championship will be held on Monday 27.4.2015 at Sorsasalo trotting race area amongst the traditional trotting race. Get a team of three persons, run as fast you can and learn how to do “TOTO”.

It is a team competition with 3 persons in a team: 2 persons are pulling the trot cart for 210 meters, 1 person is driving the cart. It’s free entrance for students and a free bus ride to Sorsasalo trotting race.

Enroll for the competition until 19.4. via this link. Make a closer look for the event via facebook.

2) Ball Sports Sticker is now Group Exercise Sticker – OH MY GOODNESS!

Starting from Monday 20.4.2015, ending until 24.5.2015 you get all the SYKETTÄ sport services in your use also with a Ball Sports sticker! This means that you may participate for all the group exercise only with 15 euros sticker! Enrolling begins on 19.4.2015, come and try our SYKETTÄ – group classes in a good spirit end take with you your friend.

Welcome all new and also more experienced movers!

You may use the group classes:
Until 13.5.2015: All the group classes in our partners facilities (Element Studio, Fressi, Kunnonsali, Kuopion Reippaan Voimistelijat, Pyramidi, Rauhalahti Spa, ReadySetPole)
Until 24.5.2015: In our own sport facilities (Studentia, Opistotie)

Our goal is to have 100 more users in the spring 2015! If we aim to achieve the goal by 24.5.:
– We raffle for gift vouchers to restaurants, spas, massages amongst all who has bought SYKETTÄ sticker in the Spring 2015.
– SYKE-Saara & SYKE-Sirpa Goes Crazy!

FOLLOW the Countdown in facebook.

3) Changes at the schedule in Spring and Summer 2015

THE FIRST OF MAY 30.4. – 1.5.2015

– No instructed group classes in our own or our partners facilities 30.4. – 1.5.

Studentia: Thu 30.4. at 7-16 the Gym, regular shifts and open ball sports, Fri 1.5. CLOSED
Opistotie: Open normally: Thu-Fri between 7.00 and 21.00 –NOTICE! The saunas are not warm.


– No instructed group classes in our own or our partners facilities 14.5.

Studentia: You may use the Gym between 12.00 and 20.00.
Opistotie: Open normally between 7.00 and 21.00 –NOTICE! The saunas are not warm.

SUMMER 1.6. – 31.8.2015

Studentia: Open in the June, July and August:
– Sports hall: Mon – Fri between 7.00 and 14.00
– The Gym: Mon – Fri between 7.00 and 21.30
Opistotie: We announce the schedule at the info letter in May. We also update it here.

4) Course: Light start for doing sports

WHAT? Come and get some motivation to begin doing multiple sports.  We offer you different kinds of sports with low threshold to attend. The instructor is Matti Niemi, who is studying to be a sports instructor. In the course we learn how to do different kinds of sports and do sports with a light touch. Members of the course gets also free tickets to Kunnonsali, Alfido and swimming hall!

WHERE AND WHEN? Opistotie sports hall and its surroundings. In total 4 x 90 minutes instructed group sports.
Schedule and content of the course:
Tuesday 5.5. at 16.00 – 17.30: Doing outdoor activities like walking and/or cyckling
Thursday 7.5. at 16.00 – 17.30: Learning how to do muscle tone exercise at the Gym
Tuesday 12.5. at 16.00 – 17.30: Body overhaul – Stretching
Friday 15.5. at 17.00 – 18.30: Getting to know ball sports – Floorball

HOW MUCH? The course fee is 10 euros /attendant, in addition members of the course get free tickets to Kunnonsali, Alfido and swimming hall. The maximum number of the group is 15 persons.

ENROLL: We receive enrollments until 29.4.2015. The enrollment is binding. Enroll via this link.
