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SYKETTÄ Kuopio online classes start on 11.1.

Kirjoitettu: 5.1.2021 15:50

We will start the spring season on Monday 11.1. with online classes! You are welcome to join with any valid SYKETTÄ sticker.

How to join online classes

We sent the link via e-mail to everyone who had a valid SYKETTÄ sticker in their profile on 6.1. Please check your spam folder also, if you can’t find the e-mail!

The schedule and description for online classes:

17.00 Body overhaul: Easy and calm class which consists of warm up, mobility developing dynamic and static stretching, movement control and muscle tone developing exercises and relaxation. This class is suitable for everyone!
19.00 Shuffle (only on 18. ja 25.1.): Shuffle is fast and sweaty dance style danced to EDM music. In this class we practice the basics of cutting shape and melbourne styles and combine them to a choreography. Class is suitable for all!

16.00 Good posture: The goal of this class is to maintain and promote the health of your back and neck-shoulder-area. The exercises help you to maintain the strength, control and mobility of your back. This class is suitable for all. We will use stretching stick on some of these classes and for example a mop stick is great for this purpose!
17.00 Hatha yoga: This class allows you to listen to your body with breathing exercises and asanas, like sthreches and twists. You have couple of minutes for each exercise, which makes the gentle exercises effective.
18.00 ATB: Abs-thighs-buttocks (ATB) class is a muscle tone exercise which is mainly focused on lower- and middle-body. You will do multiple sort of muscle tone exercises and effective middle-body training. In addition you`ll get a pulse raising interval training where the sweat flows.

8.00 Morning core: In this class we train core considering the function and role of different muscles and kinetic chains.
17.00 Gentle vinyasa: Start your morning by taking care of your mind and body! The asanas (poses) develop your strength and flexibility. This class is suitable for all!
18.00 Training with woolen socks: In this class we will develop muscle tone, strength and endurance with using woolen socks. This class is suitable for everybody because the moves can be modified to suit you.
19.00 Bellydance: Bellydance is a beautiful and sensual dance art where the body, mind, and soul synergize.  It is mesmerizing to learn, watch and dance. This class is suitable for everyone with no experience necessary.

7.45 Morning yoga: Start your morning by taking care of your mind and body! This class is based on ashtanga yoga and hatha yoga. The asanas (poses) develop your strength and flexibility. This class is suitable for all!
16.00 Bodyweight-circuit: This is effective and diverse bodyweight training class that is suitable for everybody!
19.00 Zumba: Zumba is “exercise in disguise.” Dance to Latin, hip-hop, electronic, and modern music while burning calories and working out your whole body. This class is designed for everybody regardless of experience, age, body type etc. Welcome!

16.00 Muscle tone: A full-body workout for developing strength, endurance and balance. You will need one extra weight for this class, for example a kettlebell, a rock, a full water bottle etc.
17.50 Shuffle (only on 15.1.): Shuffle is fast and sweaty dance style danced to EDM music. In this class we practice the basics of cutting shape and melbourne styles and combine them to a choreography. Class is suitable for all!

10.00 FasciaMethod (except on 23.1. at 12.30): FasciaMethod is developed by Finnish physiotherapists. It combines myofascial mobility training, dynamic stretching directed to specific stiff muscles and movement control training. The aim is to rehabilitate musculosceletal dysfunctions. FasciaMethod is suitable for all individuals who wish to improve their physical performance and wellbeing.
13.00 HIIT (except on 23.1. at 13.30): This is effective full-body workout that will get your heart rate up. We will do a lot of jumping, pushups, running and plank variations.
14.00 Yoga&core (except on 23.1. at 14.30): This class is a good combination of familiar exercises from pilates and yoga and is suitable for beginners and also for long term practiser. This practise will focus on activating deep core muscles, improving body balance and increasing mobility. 

You can participate for the classes via Zoom.
– When you come to Zoom, please shut your camera and microphone
– With computer you do not need to download Zoom, with phone you need Zoom application

Welcome! 🙂
