Bottoms up!
Kirjoitettu: 7.10.2021 08:09
What is Bottoms Up?
The idea of Bottoms Up is to decrease sitting time and increase physical activity among the students and staff members on Kuopio campuses. We strive to improve study and work capabilities and improve on-campus culture, attitude and activity. Our goal is an active and healthy university community.
In this year the Bottoms Up ambassadors are Juulia and Anna. They are also members of SYKETTÄ Dream Team on this Autumn. Get to know them here!
What do Bottoms Up Ambassadors do?
- They instruct active breaks at lectures and staff meetings
- The Influence in decreasing the sitting time in university community by showing example
- They participate in events related to decreasing excessive sitting
How Can I Order a Bottoms Up Ambassador to a Lecture or Meeting?
If you wish to order an active break instructed by a Bottoms Up ambassador, send an email to
Read more about Bottoms Up service in here.