Opening hours for Christmas and New Year
Kirjoitettu: 8.12.2021 10:05
Check here, when the sport facilities are open during the holidays!
- 23.12. open from 7.00 am and the doors will be locked at 14, you must leave the facilities at latest 15.00 pm.
- 24.- 25.12. closed
- 26.12. gym in use between 9.00–21.00
- 27.12. – 30.12. open between 7.00 – 19.00
- 31.12. open from 7.00 am and the doors will be locked at 14 pm, you must leave the facilities at latest 15.00 pm.
- 1.1.2022 closed
- Starting from 3.1. open as usual
- 6.1. gym in use between 9.00-21.00
- 20.–22.12.2021 open between 8-16
- 23.12.2021–1.1.2022 closed
- 3.1. – 5.1.2022 open between 8–16
- 6.1.– 8.1.2022 closed
Starting from 10.1.22. open as usual!