Infoletter 2/2016: February is full of rugby and new courses + offers!
Kirjoitettu: 3.2.2016 18:05
SYKETTÄ – News in February
Is it February already?! We have great events coming up: Winterfest and sports afternoon. You can also enroll to SELL Student Games! In this infoletter we will also introduce you to the SYKETTÄ sport of the month, rugby, and remind you of how to use our sport facilities.
In this infoletter:
1 – SYKETTÄ sport of the month: Rugby
2 – Check out the new SYKETTÄ offers
3 – Updated: Sport courses in the spring
4 – SYKETTÄ-supervisor and regulations in Opistotie
5 – SELL Student Games in Tampere 13.-15.5.!
+ Essential things about group classes
P.S. Notice! Winter vacation 7.3.-13.3. No instructed group classes during the time. The gyms are open normally.
1 – SYKETTÄ sport of the month: Rugby
SYKETTÄ sport of the month: Rugby is a game for gentlemen and -ladies.
In February the SYKETTÄ sport of the month is traditional contact sport rugby. In Kuopio Kuopio Rugby Club has teams for both men and women. It is a suitable game for all, no matter what gender or size you are! Rugby is a challenging and addicting game, which will improve your physics and give you new friends. “There is something very special about rugby.”
Get to know more about the association FROM HERE.
Read more from rugby “sport of the month” FROM HERE.
Kuopio Rugby Club’s beginner’s courses for men and women starts 10.2. at 20.30.- 22.00 at Savon Sanomat –arena (Kaartokatu 6, Kuopio).
The beginner’s course is open for all men and women over 15 years. You do not need to have any previous knowledge of the sport, you just need to have sports clothes (no zippers, please!), water to drink and sneakers or football boots.
Rugby is suitable for all kinds of people and there is place for everyone in the team.
2 – New SYKETTÄ offers
I’m gonna make you an offer you can’t refuse…
Advanced Air yoga and Hot yoga classes are now only 4 euros per class
In addition you will get access to online training service Club247 for free! You can also get free code for Club247 if you belong to the Savonia staff or your study campus is Iisalmi or Varkaus.
Feeling stiff? Kuntokeskus HUIPPU offers low-priced last minute massage bookings with SYKETTÄ-sticker.
If you book massage from internet service for the current week, the price will be 25 min / 15 € (normal price 30 €) and 50 min / 30 € (normal price 49 €). You can book a massage from here:
3 – Sport courses of the spring
In addition to the weekly group classes, SYKETTÄ provides you diverse and exciting sport courses. There is for
example beginner’s course for rugby, burlesque and boffer-swording coming up – and many more!!
Look FORM HERE for all the courses in the Spring (we update the page all the time)
Now you will find information about following courses:
– Rugby for beginners, starting at 10.2.
– Acro yoga for pairs 4.4. / 11.4. / 18.4.
– Adult Ballet for beginners 4.4.-9.5.
– Burlesque -course 23.-24.4.
– Boffer sword -course, 23.-24.4.
4 – SYKETTÄ-supervisor and regulations in Opistotie
Opistotie sports hall is open with a SYKETTÄ-sticker:
Mon – Fri 7-21 and Sat – Sun 9-21. You have to leave the facilities by 21:30!
Any other time there will be an alarm and you will be the one to pay the cost, which is around 180 euros. Quite a lot of money, don’t you think?
You might meet SYKETTÄ-supervisor in the sport halls. He will ask to see your sticker, so keep your sticker with you all the time! If you don’t have one, hasten to the nearest selling point and buy one. Without the sticker you have to leave the sport halls.
5 – SELL Student Games at 13.5.-15.5.!
SELL Student Games 2016 Tampere is already preparing to welcome over 1500 students from all over the world to compete in 17 different sports! Competition will be held at 13th-15th of May 2016 and the heart of the SELL Games will be the campus of Tampere University of Technology.
You can compete for example in football, weight lifting, judo and 14 other sports! Check all the information you need from THE OFFICIAL PAGE!
Students of Kuopio, Varkaus and Iisalmi are eligible for small grant for the expenses. So hesitate no more – enroll!
+ Essential things about instructed group classes
1 – Be on time! Arriving late to the class you disturb other people’s training.
2 – Keep your SYKETTÄ-sticker at hand, the instructor will want to see it at the beginning of the class.
3 – If you can’t make it to the class, cancel your reservation on time and give room to the others!
The classes are almost never full. People usually cancel their reservations at the last minute, so check the calendar two hours before the class!