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Terms of use

Terms of use – SYKETTÄ University Sports

Updated 1.8.2022

Table of contents

  1. Overview
    2. Service Users
    2.1 Students
    2.2 Staff
    3. Registration
    4. Sports fees
    5. Insurance
    6. Enrollment and Cross-Usage of the Services
    7. Sports facilities
    8. Making Changes to the Functionality of the Service, and Cancellations
    9. Service Periods
    10. Sanction Policy and Conflict Resolution
    11. Copyrights
    12. Duration of validity

1. Overview

SYKETTÄ is a sports service platform of the universities operating in Joensuu and Kuopio. The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (hereinafter referred to as ISYY) provides the SYKETTÄ services in Joensuu and the Student Union of Savonia University of Applied Sciences (hereinafter referred to as SAVOTTA) in Kuopio.

These Terms of Use shall apply to all registered users of the SYKETTÄ website who use the SYKETTÄ services.

2. Service Users

Only the user groups listed below have the right to use SYKETTÄ sports services.

2.1. Students

All students of University of Eastern Finland and universities of applied sciences Karelia and Savonia who are graduate students in the aforementioned universities and are registered as attending the ongoing term/academic year have the right to use the SYKETTÄ sports services. In addition, University of the Arts students in Kuopio campus have the right to use the services.

User groups who have the right to use the services are:

Additionally, the following persons at UEF:

Additionally, the following persons at universities of applied science

Services may be used until the end of the graduation term. The right to study of students using the services must be valid.

The status of a person’s right to study and registration as attending may be verified from the person’s student card or the student register. If required, students receive a certificate of their enrollment at the university from the student and admission services (UEF) or the student affairs office (UAS).

2.2. Staff

Staff members of the University of Eastern Finland, Karelia UAS and Savonia UAS, Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) and the student unions of Savonia (SAVOTTA) and Karelia (POKA) UAS who are employees of the organisation at the time of the purchase of the SYKETTÄ sports sticker have the right to use the sports services. The right to use these services shall be considered on a case-by-case basis in regards to persons participating in Erasmus staff exchange, other visitor programmes and SYKETTÄ service partners. In addition, University of the Arts staff members in Kuopio campus have the right to use the services.

Additionally, the following persons at UEF:

3. Registration

Users start using SYKETTÄ services by registering as a user of these services on the SYKETTÄ website. Client data is collected in accordance with Data Protection Records. Registration does not require the user to purchase a sports sticker, but the sticker and registration are required in order to start using the services.

4. Sports fees

Each user of SYKETTÄ services must have a valid group sports or ball sports sticker (excluding special promotions and trial periods, which we inform our users about). Users must always have the sticker with them when using the services.

Users may purchase the SYKETTÄ sticker at the SYKETTÄ online store or at one of the on-campus locations. Users purchase the SYKETTÄ sticker at their primary campus of study or work. Users can buy the sticker either for a term or full academic year. The stickers for an academic year are valid during 1 Aug – 31 Aug (13 months), and the stickers for a term are valid during 1 Aug – 31 Dec, or 1 Jan – 31 Aug unless otherwise informed.

The sticker must be attached to a student or staff card, or to a specific SYKETTÄ card. The sticker must be provided if SYKETTÄ staff require so. In addition to the SYKETTÄ sticker, users can use SYKETTÄ mobile app’s virtual sports sticker. The sports sticker, which is given to users against payment, is personal, and may not be used by anyone else. Users must provide adequate ID when requested.

The sports fee may be refunded if the user has prescribed at least three months of immobility. The sports fee shall be refunded in full for the months during which the services were not used. Users must apply for refunds in writing no later than 14 days after the doctor has prescribed the user to remain immobile.

5. Insurance

SYKETTÄ services do not include insurance unless specified otherwise.

6. Enrollment and Cross-Usage of the Services

Users enroll for each sports session using the sports calendar on the website unless specified otherwise in the class description. Enrollment begins exactly 7 days prior and ends 30 minutes prior to the start of the class.

If a user cannot attend the group exercise session that the user is enrolled for, the user must cancel the enrollment at least 4 hours prior to the start of the session. Enrolling for the morning classes that start before 10 a.m. must be cancelled at latest 12 hours prior.

Enrolling and cancelling times for sport courses may vary and they are always stated in the course descriptions.

Users must follow the instructions of the class description. SYKETTÄ reserves rights to change the enrolling and cancelling periods.

SYKETTÄ services may additionally be used, at no extra cost unless otherwise specified, between Joensuu and Kuopio SYKETTÄ university sports services. Commencing cross-usage of these services must be conducted in accordance with the instructions provided on the SYKETTÄ website.

7. Sports facilities

The sports facilities may only be used during the periods and only for the purpose detailed on the SYKETTÄ website. If the sports facilities are used outside these periods, the user shall be personally accountable for any costs. Persons who do not have a valid SYKETTÄ sticker may not enter the facility. If a user damages the equipment, other property or facility, the user shall be accountable for the costs. Details of compensation will be negotiated case by case. If a user notices damages in equipment or facilities, the user must inform SYKETTÄ services immediately.

SYKETTÄ sports service providers shall not be responsible for personal injuries or material damages which concern the users or their personal belongings and have occurred at the sports facilities.

8. Making Changes to the Functionality of the Service, and Cancellations

Service providers reserve the right to make changes to the Terms of Use, content and operations of the service; to limit the number of session participants; and to cancel sessions due to a small number of participants or other reasons without compensation. Users shall be notified on the SYKETTÄ website of any cancellations of SYKETTÄ services due to the instructor being unavailable, facility related reasons or other reasons.

There shall be a notice of non-standard opening hours on the SYKETTÄ website.

Service providers shall not be accountable for mistakes or interruptions in the operations due to force majeure or the actions of a third party.

9. Service Periods

SYKETTÄ sports services have two periods:

The services provided during the holiday season and the summer months (June–August) are more limited.

10. Sanction Policy and Conflict Resolution

If a SYKETTÄ user hands out one’s personal SYKETTÄ sticker to another person, or uses someone else’s SYKETTÄ sticker, both parties involved shall be banned from using the SYKETTÄ sports services until the end of the ongoing academic year. Cases of serious misconduct shall be reported to the authorities. Repetition of misconduct can result in a ban of the user from SYKETTÄ services until the end of the ongoing academic year. Unauthorised use and misconduct can be a reason for police investigation.

If a SYKETTÄ user does not arrive to the session, and has not cancelled the enrollment, the following sanction policies shall apply:

You can pay the penalty fee at the campus sales points or follow the instructions below to make the payment. After payment, send the receipt to the SYKETTÄ staff member who will remove the sanction. You can find the contact information here.

The sanction policies apply to the sessions listed on the website. Users must personally ensure that their participation in the sessions is recorded. The notice users receive for having an uncancelled session shall be in force for 6 months. Users must be in time for sessions where the sanction policies apply. If a user is more than 5 minutes late and the instructor has checked participants, the sanction is justifiable.

If a SYKETTÄ user comes to a sports facility with a person who does not have a valid SYKETTÄ sticker, the user shall be banned for 14 days from using SYKETTÄ sports services.

In addition, SYKETTÄ staff members may occasionally monitor the SYKETTÄ sports sessions and facilities, and check if the attending users have valid stickers. SYKETTÄ staff members have the right to issue a warning or a ban in cases of misconduct.

The primary method of conflict resolution concerning the use of the service are negotiations between the parties.

11. Copyrights

The contents on the SYKETTÄ website are protected by copyright laws.

The providers of SYKETTÄ sports services reserve all rights to the web pages and their contents unless otherwise specified in these Terms of Use or on the website. Bulletins, logos and other material may be used for journalistic purposes on the condition that the source is disclosed. Text or pictures may not be used for purposes contrary to public decency.

Contact SYKETTÄ sports services before using material from SYKETTÄ website.

12. Duration of validity

Terms of Use are in force indefinitely.