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SYKETTÄ futsal tournament on 7.4. in Opistotie

28.3.2019 klo 09:12

Crazy about football? Join the other lunatics for the futsal tournament! The tournament will be held at Opistotie on the 7th of April. All Savonia and UEF students and personnel are free to join in the fun, you don’t even need a SYKETTÄ sticker! Come on, let’s play ball! The Facebook event is here.

Train with your friend on Valentine’s day 14.2.

7.2.2019 klo 10:43

Share a group class with your friend on Valentine's day! If you have a valid group class sticker, on Valentine's day you can bring your friend to one of these classes even if they don't have the SYKETTÄ sticker! Your fri...

Changes in opening hours in February for Opistotie sport facilities

6.2.2019 klo 09:11

Notice the following changes in Opistotie's schedule 1 - National meeting of physiotherapy students 8.-9.2. On Friday the sports hall is reserved from 18.00 o'clock onwards On Saturday the sports hall is res...

Sports afternoon on Tuesday 12.2.19

23.1.2019 klo 10:27

Welcome to sports afternoon on 12.2. 12-16 You can find the program for universities' sports afternoon HERE. Enrolling for the sports afternoon events starts 29.1., that is two weeks before the sports afternoon. You ...

Would you like to be a part of SYKETTÄ dream team?

16.1.2019 klo 11:33

We are looking for a couple of team members for the spring semester!  Dream Team is a group of SYKETTÄ users who get to know our services as well as our partner's services and share their experiences with the university c...
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