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SYKETTÄ futsal tournament on 7.4. in Opistotie

Kirjoitettu: 28.3.2019 09:12

Crazy about football? Join the other lunatics for the futsal tournament!

The tournament will be held at Opistotie on the 7th of April. All Savonia and UEF students and personnel are free to join in the fun, you don’t even need a SYKETTÄ sticker! Come on, let’s play ball! The Facebook event is here.

There is one series the tournament.

Information about the competition

Enrolling is closed on Wednesday 4.4.2019 at 12.00 or when the tournament is full (12 teams). Enrolling is binding. The teams will get more information about game schedule, rules and paying the registration fee on 5.4. via e-mail.

This event is alcohol-free!

If the team does not show up, the sanction fee is 25 €.

NB! The insurance of The Finnish Student Sports Federation OLL is valid during the tournament, but it covers only the members of Student union SAVOTTA and The Student union of the University of Eastern Finland ISYY and the student union HUMAKO. Other players are not covered in OLL insurance or by the organizer.

More information:

Mikko Pajunen
