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SYKETTÄ in summer 2017: Summer schedules and the offers from our partners

19.5.2017 klo 15:00

The summer is crazy! Believe us, the summer WILL come eventually. It just takes its time. In the meantime, you can get to know our summer happenings here: we have some instructed outdoor classes and of course you can use the gyms in Studentia and Snellmania the whole summer. The Opistotie facilities will be closed […]

The Exercise Day of Your Dreams

2.5.2017 klo 09:57

On 10.5. make your exercise dreams come true! On 10 May, 100-year-old independent Finland will hold a shared exercise day. The Exercise Day of Your Dreams is a pop-up day of all sorts of movement during which Finland wi...

Give us feedback!

11.4.2017 klo 11:01

How did we do during the academic year 2017-2018? No matter if you only visit gym every now and then or use our services on a daily basis, please use 5-10 minutes of your day to answer this questionnaire! You can give ...

Opening hours for Easter 13.-19.4.

5.4.2017 klo 12:45

Easter is time for enjoying the outdoors and relaxing :) Notice! 1 - Our great group instructors are enjoying their vacation, so no instructed classes Thu 13.4.  - Wed 19.4. 2 - When visiting Opistotie, u...


16.2.2017 klo 16:09

SYKETTÄ JumppaMarathon - Saturday 18.3.2017 WHAT? Come and enjoy non-stop sweat fest marathon with SYKETTÄ! We are going to challenge our bodies like never before with five hours of  group fitness madness! Get ready fo...
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