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Infoletter 9/2016: Breathe in the fresh air of autumn!

1.9.2016 klo 18:33

SYKETTÄ – News in September September is probably the most awaited month of the year in the SYKETTÄ sport services. After summer everyone is eager to check out the new sports calendar and try all the new group classes. The autumn usually brings new things along with it, and so it does for SYKETTÄ too: […]

Martial arts – Autumn 2016

29.8.2016 klo 13:51

Interested in martial arts but have no idea, where to start? Here are some ideas for you! This is a list of martial art basic courses for which you get a special price with your SYKETTÄ sticker. We also have some open shifts wher...

SYKETTÄ wants you! Free SYKETTÄ sports weeks 5.9.-18.9.

23.8.2016 klo 11:31

Have a sporty autumn 2016! You are welcome to join us for free SYKETTÄ sport weeks 5.9.-18.9.! The summer is almost over and it's time to welcome the autumn 2016! The goal of SYKETTÄ is an active, well-being and so...

SYKETTÄ summer info 2016

16.6.2016 klo 15:45

Possibilities to do SYKETTÄ-sport in the summer + about selling stickers in the Autumn Sports planners Saara and Sirpa are soon having their summer vacation. Before that they have been organizing the sport facilities and m...

SYKETTÄ in the summer 2016 and the hottest offers from our partner sport services!

23.5.2016 klo 10:22

The summer is crazy! Were you worried that there is nothing to do during the summer? Fear no more! This summer, for the first time in SYKETTÄ history, we have instructed group classes also in the summer! In addition you ca...
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