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SYKETTÄ: Timetable for the end of this year and sports calendar for Spring 2016

23.11.2015 klo 22:44

Timetable for the end of the year in SYKETTÄ sport services Opistotie sports hall – Opening hours 22.12.2015 – 6.1.2016 – Closed Until 21.12.2015 all open ball sports and regular set shifts are kept normally. Studentia sports hall – Opening hours 24.12. – 26.12.2015 – Closed 31.12.2015 – Open between 7:00-16:00 1.1.2016 – Closed 6.1.2016 – Closed Until […]

SYKETTÄ sport courses and new classes

30.10.2015 klo 09:34

SYKETTÄ-sport services has a good drive going on! We have a new record of sold SYKETTÄ stickers in this autumn! (2450 stickers in 28.10.) You are also very active concerning group classes and courses - thank you for that. There...

SYKETTÄ – Infoletter 10/2015

22.10.2015 klo 08:57

SYKETTÄ topical themes in October: 1 – Situation about electronic keys on 21st of October 2 – Exceptional schedule changes in October and November 3 – Changes in Sports calendar aftern Autumn break + Extra classes in th...

SYKETTÄ Infoletter 09/2015

22.9.2015 klo 16:40

Greetings from SYKETTÄ sport services! The new semester has been kicked off with festivities, so it’s time to get back to business at the SYKETTÄ services, too. For starters, here’s what’s new - or old but importa...

Sports Afternoon 6.10. between 12pm and 4pm

17.9.2015 klo 12:00

In Kuopio we offer you outdoor activities and events around the city Sports afternoon gives energy for students and staff members of UEF and Savonia Student and staff members of University of Eastern Finlands and ...
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