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SYKETTÄ sport courses and new classes

Kirjoitettu: 30.10.2015 09:34

SYKETTÄ-sport services has a good drive going on! We have a new record of sold SYKETTÄ stickers in this autumn! (2450 stickers in 28.10.) You are also very active concerning group classes and courses – thank you for that. Therefore we want to offer you sport courses to lighten up the dark November and give you extra classes for the weekly calendar. Join in!

New classes in weekly calendar

FRIDAY at 17.30-18.30 BodyBalance – starting at 30.10.

BODYBALANCE is a class for everyone! It’s a peaceful body control and body maintenance class. The class consists of balancing exercises, mobility training, power training, stretching  and relaxation. At this training form you get more power, flexibility and posture. It suits for almost every body. Come and have a try!

The class takes place at Kunnonsali (Ajurinkatu 16), you can enroll for the first class IN HERE.

SATURDAY at 9.30-10.30 BodyPump – starting at 7.11.

The concept “Les Mills” includes BODYPUMP™, which is a power exercise you do with the tempo of the music. It challenges your whole body and gives you strength. The class is perfect for men and women, and for everyone who wants to get an effective whole-body-training in an hour. Because BODYPUMP™ is simple, It’s also easy to start. Aim is to do proper and safe movements. You may choose how light or heavy weights do you make your exercise. The Les Mills -concept includes exercises which are well tested and safe forms of sport exercise.

The class takes place at Kunnonsali (Ajurinkatu 16), you can enroll for the first class IN HERE.

Inbody measurement in Kunnonsali with a “15-16” SYKETTÄ sticker!

NOTICE! Did you buy SYKETTÄ sports sticker for the whole Academic Year 2015-2016 within the 1000 first ones (and also received a SYKETTÄ training bag)?

If you did, we offer you Tanita-Inbody measurement in Kunnonsali (Ajurinkatu 16)! Please bring your ID’s and SYKETTÄ sports sticker 15-16 with you.

Kunnonsali makes the measurements as followed:

THURSDAY – FRIDAY 29.10.-30.10. at 16:30-17:30
THURSDAY – FRIDAY 5.11.-6.11. at 16:30-17:30

Sport courses in November

Futsal for beginners

WHAT? In November we get to know football-like team play, called futsal! There will be 5 x 90 minutes long intensive course. Every time we go through the main rules of futsal and do couple of basic movements and exercises about the game. This course is perfect for you if you wanna learn the basics how to handle the ball. In addition there will be time to play the game, and that is something we all like!
WHEN? Every Monday in November, between 18:30- 20:00
WHERE? Opistotie sports hall (Opistotie 2)
WHO? The instructor is Mikko Pajunen.
COURSE FEE? It’s free of charge with a SYKETTÄ-sticker!
ENROLLMENT? Enroll for each class via sports calendar. First class IS HERE.
 Take with you sports clothing and indoor-shoes. The course takes 5 times 90 minutes turns and it’s suitable for girls and boys who wanna know the secrets of futsal.

Adult ballet

WHAT? Classical ballet for beginners and for those who has some experience
WHEN? On Thursdays at 17.30-19.00, in total 7x 90min, starting 5.11., ending 17.12.
WHERE? Studentia sports hall, Yliopistonranta 3
WHO? The instructor is a dance teacher student Melike Basaranoglu
COURSE FEE: 10 euros
ENROLLING: Enroll via sports calendar until 4.11. You may enroll and/or cancel the enrollment 24 hours before the course begins. After this the enrollment is binding. Max: 15, min. 4 participants

In this class we start learning classical ballet from scratch and will quite soon move into a little more advanced exercises. While getting to know the fundamental techniques of ballet we will get use to basic ballet terminology. Our focus will be on developing typical ways of using balance and coordination. Learning to use the space for dancing in different ways will also be our goal each class.

We will go for the very first steps of ballet and moving towards more skilled exercise. We hope that you have some dancing experience before entering the course.

Foam sword fighting

WHAT? It’s time for foam sword fighting or boffering! SYKETTÄ organizes sports course for you to get to know this little bit different sport. It’s about having fun, challenging yourself and getting a good sweat and laugh!
WHEN? It is a two days long course: Saturday 14.11. between 12pm and 5pm, Sunday 15.11. between 1pm and 4pm.
WHERE? Opistotie sports hall – Opistotie 2 (Savonia campus)
WHO? Paula Pirhonen is in charge of the course.
COST? If you participate with your own sword (done by the rules!) – cost is 0 euros. If you participate and do a sword in the course – cost for the material is 10 euros.
ENROLL? Enroll via sports calendar before 12.11. If you want to make your own sword in the course, please send an email to Paula: pirhonenpaula@gmail.com. Everyone who enrolls, has to have a SYKETTÄ-sticker paid for this autumn.

Foam sword fighting (some time called ”boffering”) is a sport spirited sword play in which the combatants fight with foam covered weapons, which are usually self-made. No protective gear is necessary and you can always join others as long as you have weapons that have been built by the book. Foam sword fighting is great for anyone over 15 years, even adults can join in. The most active participants are youngsters and young adults, since it offers great adrenaline rushes and playful but tough exercise for those who yearn for adventure.

Whether you are thick or thin, an athlete or a couch-potato foam sword fighting is a great sport and hobby nevertheless.
