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SYKETTÄ Infoletter 09/2015

Kirjoitettu: 22.9.2015 16:40

Greetings from SYKETTÄ sport services!

The new semester has been kicked off with festivities, so it’s time to get back to business at the SYKETTÄ services, too. For starters, here’s what’s new – or old but important:

This info-letter contains information on following topics:

1) UEF and Savonia’s Sports Afternoon on Tue 6.10.2015 at 12-16
2) New sports courses that start in late September or early October

3) Some advice especially for those who attend SYKETTÄ group classes.

1) UEF and Savonia’s Sports Afternoon 6.10. at 12-16

As a student or staff member of UEF or Savonia you are welcome to enjoy Sports Afternoon’s many activities. You don’t need a SYKETTÄ sticker to participate in these events.

There are lots of interesting activities such as bouldering, yoga, trail running, nordic walking and SUP-boarding. Come and join us!

You can find more information and further instructions here.

Enrollment has opened and happens via this link.

2) New courses in September and October

Get to know trail running – workshop

What? Learn the best techniques and grounds for trail running in Puijo, Kuopio.
When? On 28th September between 5pm and 6.30pm.
Where? We meet at the parking area of Puijo tower.
Who’s the instructor? HUIPPU’s Hannu Airila

SYKETTÄ mover Kristiina Kivilohkare is showing how to do trail running in beautiful area of Puijo.

You can find more information and enroll here.

Self-defence course

What? Self-defence course for men and women.
Where? In Studentia’s sports hall (Yliopistonranta 3).
When? On Tuesdays between 6pm and 7pm, starting 29.9., in total 6 x 60 minutes.
Who’s the instructor? Karim Khanji.
Course fee: 10 euros /person

More information and enrolling via SYKETTÄ web page’s sports event before 27.9.

Floorball for beginners in October

What? Learn how to play floorball.
Where? At Opistotie (Opistotie 2).
When? On Mondays between 18:30-20:00, starting 5.10.
Who’s the instructor? The instructors are Eetu Karvonen and Artturi Lohvansuu.

You can find more information and enrollment here.

3) SYKETTÄ would also like to remind you, that:

1) Everyone should have a SYKETTÄ sticker with them whenever they use the SYKETTÄ sports facilities or attend the classes. Class instructors check everyone’s sticker before the class starts and people from SYKETTÄ sport services tour the gyms regularly and ask to see the users’ stickers as they go. If you don’t have one to show, you’ll be asked to leave.

2) If you attend a SYKETTÄ group class, it’s always polite to show up well before the class starts.

3) If you can’t make it to the class, please remember to cancel your participation in the SYKETTÄ web pages’ sports calendar so that the next in line will be able to enroll.

